Hello. Ever since the Corona pandemic, I’ve been reading newspapers and magazines seriously, and pondering over the after Corona world. Many intellectual figures and people in various positions declare their opinions. Confronting with the common devastating challenge, I can sense that the world is nearer to me and came to believe more that the globe is round. And each one of us are crew of the earth ship. There is no time for wars. The most valuable things are human lives. The simplest thing has come to be revalued at last. That is something joyful, at least.
After the Pest pandemic in Europe, the social structure has changed and Renaissance rose up. Spanish Flu helped to end the World War I earlier. From the historical perspective, we can conceive the Corona pandemic as a final warning form God that environmental destruction and global warming are about to kill the earth. At the same time it could be a merciful blessing and protection. I believe not few people in the world feel the same intuitively.
Speaking of Japan, in spite of the malfunctioning government policies, somehow we are coping up with the situations well. Many of Japanese feel that way.
Quoting from Asahi Shinbun newspaper May 30, 2020 Saturday edition.
A man who has strong opinion regarding Japanese mentality said, “When Japanese are left alone, we work so hard and make efforts and come up with many ideas without being told. We are that kind of group of people. We don’t expect government to help us from the beginning. In Japanese mindset, there is no such concept as nation or government. “
I laughed out loud when reading this article. It is what Japanese is about. Japanese can’t help but work diligently and make efforts to better up. We say “ganbatte! = work hard!” as an everyday greeting. We loath laziness more than anything and set goals and make tactics, and feel so good about ourselves when reaching the goals. It is not good or bad, it is written and programmed so in our genes.
Speaking of myself, during the Corona quarantine that I can’t work, I built up 3 pillars; cleaning, studying, and taking a walk. Keep our apt clean and get organized CDs, changed light bulbs to LED, and completed knitting a bed cover that took 6 years to finish. Living in a nice cozy place enhance our quality of live. As of studying, now I’m focusing on Indonesian; Bahasa Indonesia. Current comprehension level of mine is C, I assume. I can read, write, speak, and listen for daily conversation that is not too difficult. However, it is far from the level that I can work professionally. I want to dedicate for 1 year to study hard and thinking of taking a qualification exam next year.

Every day, I’m taking a walk for an hour or less. Fresh green is so soothing, looking up clouds and listening to birds singing, I go along. While walking by, I feel as if I’m hugged and embraced by the nature, the healing power of the globe is so amazing. It’s a blessing to live in a countryside.

Optimistic is stronger than pessimistic. I pray that I want to make use of this spare time wisely and think deeply. I desire to be a leader to draw a map for the future connecting with capable people all over the world. And I believe everyone including children have wisdom, imagination, and creativity to contribute to the society. We are all crews of the earth ship, so not leaving anyone behind, we ought to work hard in our given circumstances to create tomorrow, believing that we have hopes in the coming days.
Love and Peace!