Japan and Abroad

  1. Andy Warhol Kyoto

    Andy Warhol, アンディ・ウォーホール、modern art, pop art, モダンアート、現代美術、ウォーホル京都展、坂本龍一、 fraud or genius?

  2. SAGA International Balloon Festa

    Saga balloon festa, 佐賀バルーンフェスタ、balloon competition, 競技気球、佐賀平野、Saga plains, love and peace, learn Japanese, 日本語

  3. Audrey, the beautiful spirit

    Audrey Hepburn, オードリーヘプバーン、ユニセフ親善大使、美しい生き方、The Diary of Anne Frank、アンネフランク、アンネの日記, UNICEF

  4. Kyoto at Night Time

    Kyoto night, Kyoto trip, ancient capital, 京都の夜、京都旅、Kyoto foods, Kyoto eat out, 京都食べ歩き、learn Japanese, 日本語、Japanese culture

  5. With Ebene Quartet

    Ebene Quartet, Quatuor Ebene, エベーヌ弦楽四重奏団、クラシック音楽、classical music, no war, バイリンガル、 learn Japanese, music is universal

  6. Lafcadio Hearn and Folklore

    Lafcadio Hearn, Japanese ghost stories, Japanologist, Japan Studies, Japanese folklore, 小泉八雲、民俗学、怪談、島根松江、ラフカディオ・ハーン

  7. Teatime Traveller

    Westminster Abby, travel the world, good memories, お茶の時間、日本語、learn Japanese, Japanese sweets, light to darkness,ティータイム

  8. 100 BOOKS

    world changing books, The Pillow Book,枕草子、change history, learn Japanese, 日本語、intellectual lifestyle, 知的生活、avid reader,本の虫

  9. Japonisme in Paris

    磯崎新、ロートレック、Japanese architecture, Pritzker Architecture Prize、Japonisme, ジャポニズム、learn Japanese, プリツカー賞、日本語、Japan blogger

  10. Let’s become Santa Claus!

    Christmas present, Santa, be creative, be a giver, the Philippines, クリスマスプレゼント、サンタ、origami、フィリピン、にほんご、折り紙

  11. The Pillow Book, Kyoto, Finland

    The Pillow Book,枕草子、清少納言、Japan and Finland, dreams come true, 夢を叶える、 にほんご, Japanese literature, 平安時代、平安文学

  12. Online Lecture for Iceland

    Iceland, Japan, love of Japan, Japanese lecture, にほんご, Cool Japan, peace message, love and peace, Japanese education,

  13. Rainy Season Lecture

    Hello. Today, I want to share Rainy Season Lectur…

  14. Soseki and London

    Today, I'd like to write about Natsume Soseki (18…

  15. Gender and Education; SDGs

    During the COVID outbreak in 2020 and 2021, I sho…

  16. Worldwide Intellectual Map

    Now that we are with COVID-19, and the stay at ho…

  17. 75 years after World War Ⅱ

    I believe it's my mission to record this article …

  18. Yameh-Cha, green tea field

    Hello. This summer is so out of the ordinary that…

  19. Literature of Mishima

    Hello. Today, I want to analyze into the literatu…

  20. Beautiful Architecture in Reykjavik

    Hello, everyone. After months of struggles and pa…

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