
  1. Handmade Picture Book

    handmade picture book, love language, 手作り絵本、art, creativity, アート、愛情表現、learn Japanese, バイリンガル、世界に一つ、日本語

  2. Lafcadio Hearn and Folklore

    Lafcadio Hearn, Japanese ghost stories, Japanologist, Japan Studies, Japanese folklore, 小泉八雲、民俗学、怪談、島根松江、ラフカディオ・ハーン

  3. pondering in Kyoto

    Kyoto, 京都、power of art, 芸術、learning Japanese、日本語、Japanese culture, ancient capital, 日本学、Japanology, Japan Studies

  4. Life Is Short, Create Your Art

    life is short, create your art, be artistic, life is art, be an artist, 芸術、アート、人生は短い、芸術は癒し、art is healing, 日本語、learning Japanese

  5. Pen is Mightier than Sword

    laughter is the best medicine, 笑いの力、笑いの効能、let's laugh, love and peace, wonder of life, ペンは剣よりも強し、赤べこ、childhood, 子供時代

  6. 100 BOOKS

    world changing books, The Pillow Book,枕草子、change history, learn Japanese, 日本語、intellectual lifestyle, 知的生活、avid reader,本の虫

  7. Yoshinogari Ancient Remains

    吉野ヶ里遺跡, ancient remains, ancient ruins, Japanese history, 日本の歴史、learning Japanese, にほんご、古代遺跡、卑弥呼、Cool Japan

  8. Let’s become Santa Claus!

    Christmas present, Santa, be creative, be a giver, the Philippines, クリスマスプレゼント、サンタ、origami、フィリピン、にほんご、折り紙

  9. Yamakasa, Kushida Shrine

    Yamakasa, Japanese fest, UNESCO world heritage, 山笠、ユネスコ世界遺産、博多、にほんご、櫛田神社、Kushida Shrine,日本の歴史、history of Japan

  10. Miyajima, Itsukushima Shrine

    Miyajima,宮島、Itsukushima Shrine, 厳島神社、Japanese History, 日本の歴史、Cool Japan, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 豊臣秀吉、にほんご、UNESCO

  11. Online Lecture for Iceland

    Iceland, Japan, love of Japan, Japanese lecture, にほんご, Cool Japan, peace message, love and peace, Japanese education,

  12. Meiji Industrial Revolution

    日本の歴史,幕末、Edo period, Japanese modern history, Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution, 明治日本の産業革命、にほんご, ユネスコ世界遺産, UNESCO world heritage

  13. Power of Translation

    translation, translator, 翻訳、赤毛のアン、村岡花子、Anne of Green Gables, にほんご、

  14. Lonesome Poet, Wakayama Bokusui

    tanka, 若山牧水, Japanese poet, tanka poem, lonesome, Japanese education, にほんご

  15. 5th anniversary; struggles and rewards

    <at the National Gallery, London ロンドン、ナショナルギャラ…

  16. Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

    In ancient Japan, a bud of literature was sprout …

  17. planting seeds in tears

    Today, I'd like to write about planting seeds in …

  18. IKIGAI lecture

    This time, I'd like to share IKIGAI lecture that …

  19. Intellectual Innovation in COVID era

    Unprecedentedly, we are living in the era that in…

  20. Rainy Season Lecture

    Hello. Today, I want to share Rainy Season Lectur…

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