Omotesando, Harajuku Architecture

Tokyo trip, Harajuku, Omotesando, modern architecture, high brand, 原宿、表参道、現代建築、歩いて巡る建築、東京、旗艦店, flagship shop

Omotesando, Harajuku Tokyo is the paradise of modern architecture. I visited Tokyo first time in 3 and a half years and noticed things changed a lot, I was marveled with good shock. The metropolis got so chic and elegant, reminds me of beautifully highlighted side of New York in a way.


This time, not JR Harajuku Station, but the opposite side of subway Omotesando Station I used. Looking up stunning modern architecture, I strolled the morning avenue while taking many photos. The subway station inside got so chic and modern, even kiosk is coordinated with beautiful tones. Saw a French movie the other day, the heroine madam devoting her life for rose breeding said “Life without beauty is void.” So true, always believe something beautiful makes our heart so rich.


I’m completely an amateur when it comes to architecture. Though interested in the field and have some book collections, but I have no technical knowledge. However, when seeing architecture that has elements of mathematics, it has its own melodies. As if it is playing each music piece, quietly but dramatically the music going on. Notable architects sure do have a gift of music also, I’m guessing so.



Flagship shops of high brand are cramming along the avenue. Each one of them insisting to be the most beautiful and creative, they represent luxurious and intricate cosmos of their own. Eccentric, a bit insane, or exuberant as they are. To walk and see each unique expression style one by one is as interesting as visiting museums. And if I have some technical knowledge, the depth of amazement would be further.



Max Mara



Omotesando Hills 表参道ヒルズ



Speaking of chicness, I thought this FENDI shop is the most charming.

小粋と言えば、この FENDI の旗艦店が一番小粋で素敵と私は思った。




And koban police box seems to be also stylish. Omotesando is the main avenue, yet there are lots of big trees planted. Maybe a little look like Orchard Road in Singapore. Reminiscing the time I first came to Omotesando when 18, freshman of university. I was stunned how beautiful it was, until then I didn’t know that city and nature can harmonize beautifully. The experience of amazement was one of the sophistication I learned, recalling so in sweet nostalgia. And the summer of 18, I visited Singapore and the place was way more stylish than Tokyo. Another sweet memory of mine.

そして、交番もどことなくお洒落な感じがする。表参道は、目抜き通りながらも大きく育った樹木が何本も植ってあり、新嘉坡 (シンガポール) のオーチャード通りにも似ているかも知れない。大学一年生の十八歳の頃、初めて表参道にやって来た時の感動を思い出す。それまで、都市と自然というものが美しく融合するということを知らなかったのだ。その驚きの経験もまた、小娘が受けた都会の洗礼だったのだろうと懐かしさに浸る。そして十八の夏に訪れたシンガポールは、東京の上を行く垢抜けぶりだったこともまた、とても懐かしい。

Harajuku Omotesando is a rare spot that walking architecture museum is alive as a city and repeating metabolism. The place is consisted of something enchanting, gorgeous, and splendid. Far apart from daily life, they are beautified with non-everyday things, and it is playing pleasing music. Tears dry up and smile springs up. Tourists around the globe are seeking for the beauty and come and gather here, I suppose.


Love and Peace

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