Folk Crafts; Onta Ware

Folk Crafts, hidden treasure, 民芸、民藝運動、日本の歴史、Japanese pottery, 秘境, Beautiful Japan,にほんご、小鹿田焼、和の器、手捻り

In mid September, there unfolded the beautiful landscape of wild red flowers that come out every autumn equinox in the countryside of Kyushu. For holidays of September, we went to a pottery tour. Since the autumn sunny day was irresistible not to go out. But it was declared COVID emergency state, so we decided to go to Onta Ware pottery village in Hita Ohita that has only 9 potter houses.


Family business of pottery making of many generations and hand-crafted Japanese potteries that have hundreds years of history are highly valuable when exported abroad. My husband and I went to the pottery village to buy our friend’s wedding gifts joyously. We don’t have gold nor silver, but we want to give what we have, and shopped for potteries rejoicing. On the way and the back way, Ohita famous Yakisoba fried noodle lunch, and the time of wandering around the hidden treasure pottery village choosing over good ones, all and all it was such a jolly autumn day.


Mountain path close by Mt. Hiko, the border of Fukuoka prefecture and Ohita prefecture was so narrow as if an animal trail. Drove up suspiciously if it’s wrong but managed to arrive at the Onta Ware village. We came to know there was an easy route, but I assume the mountain path we took was the trail that Yanagi Soetsu who started the Folk Crafts movement walked and wrote as “the place is inconvenient, there is no automobile road to bring out carriage”.


Onta Ware is inherited from neighboring Koishiwara Ware, and it is designated as an important intangible cultural heritage. We like Koishiwara Ware and often go visit the village, but to the deep mountain of Onta Ware of Sarayama, we first stepped in our feet.


It is a miracle hidden treasure that pottery making from the clay is done in the same landscape of 300 years ago. Soetsu wrote in “Teshigoto no Nippon, Handwork of Japan” as “probably there is no such place as Hita Sarayama where remains the ancient style unwounded”, the landscape is still preserved so with the sound of mortars. In order to make mud into clay, water gets filled in a mortar and when filled up the water pours down to the stream with the sound of bong! It’s indeed a scenic view. This is the only village in the world that makes clay with mortars only.


Visited a shop and studio of Kobukuro Michiaki and Sadao, and took pictures.


The Folk Crafts movement by Yanagi Soetsu began in 1926, it is the movement of recognizing the worthiness of handwork in order to protect the traditions. In those days people don’t pay attention to general public works, but Soetsu started to revalue the handiworks and recognize the preciousness used in daily lives. He gave a spotlight to practical, inexpensive, local, traditional, and unsigned values.


The achievement of Yanagi Soetsu, the Folk Crafts movement. The traditions of handwork of each that were scattered all across Japan, recognize them as valuable and recompose the worthiness within one framework. The deed is like that of Heian era poet Fujiwarano Teika who selected Waka Poetry of 100 ranging from vast eras and established a new genre of literature called Ogura Hyakunin Isshu. Giving a new frame and redefinition for something truly worthy and polished it up and passed on to next generations. Thinking of such magnificent projects, I’m deeply touched with the spirit.


Love and Peace to the world.


*「にっぽんの美しい民藝」著者 萩原健太郎 発行所 株式会社エクスナレッジ
*「手仕事の日本」著者 柳宗悦 発行所 株式会社岩波書店

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