Creativity Enhances Your Life

creativity, crochet, knitting, Japanese pottery, 小石原焼、日本語、絵本, learning Japanese, 編み物、創造性、クリエイティブ、さむがりやのスティーナ

Creativity enhances your life. I wrote the words on a white board in an English class that I’ve been teaching for 17 years since in my 20s. This class is for lifelong education, and I wrote so as I was knitting waiting for the students to come. All the students are ladies and they are fond of knitting. Then they started talking about it, one student crocheted a scarf in high school and she still keeps it, or one student made a scarf for her sweet heart when young, or one student’s mother knitted mohair white stole matching for kimono for the special coming-of-age-celebration. We chatted joyously and it was a heartwarming moment together.


After a very long absence, I remembered a white mohair stole that auntie knitted for me when in kindergarten. Still keep a photo that I’m wrapped with the stole on my kimono, smiling contently. Now that I came to recognize how precious it was that auntie made the work with so much love using her hands diligently.


A picture book of Iceland just arrived that I was so looking forward to. Stina had various inventions in order to spend freezing winter warmly at home. Preparing for the winter, she baked many kinds of breads and cakes, crafted toe warmers and such. This book makes you cozy and comfy at home.


I’ve been working fiercely for the last couple of months, and things got settled a bit. Then craving for creativity rose up. The act of making something while listening to favorite music is so comforting. Moving own fingers freely while sensing the colors pleasantly. I also like cooking, but now it’s just for part of the chores. So it would be fun to bake chocolate confection, I came to feel like so.


Nestling and snuggling at home cozily in time of COVID. Cleaned my place neatly and got organized things tidily more than before. And I want to keep good spirit at home. It was a happy moment that husband bought cakes and I prepared cafe latte for the tea time. The tart with Fukuoka famous AMAOU strawberries was so nice and sweet. The potteries of Koishiwara are our favorite that we went to buy for the pottery village and chose over one by one. The forks are Vietnam souvenirs from a friend of mine. They are made of horns of water buffalos.


COVID made people crazy, or even insane if I may say so. Things that used to be out of imagination are going on around me as well. And there is nobody who didn’t go through trials and agonies for the last 2 years. Or inconvenient truth got unrevealed that was able to hide before. However, after things got sieved, only pure and genuine ones remained and survived through. I’m so thankful for that. Important things were not that many. It was sheerly a consequential lesson to learn.


Received new year’s greetings and Christmas cards from around the globe, even though I was too busy to prepare ones beforehand. From abroad, Iceland, London, and Alaska, my dear friends living in cold countries. And from my loved ones in Japan. While thinking of me, they all prepared cards, wrote words, went to post office, sticked stamps, and posted for me. The time and affection makes me delighted. I should never take it for granted. It is a precious act of love. The beauty of caring one another. You get hurt from people, but people will heal you gently as well.


To appreciate things in front of you throughly. This is something I train myself as I incline to think about future and far rather than present moments. The joy of creativity and expressing how meaningful my precious people are. Truly important things are just beside you. Truly priceless people are inside of your heart. And this is true to anyone. Now is the preparation period for After COVID World. Let’s create better world together. From the darkness to light, let’s move on all together.


Love and Peace to the world.


参考文献:「さむがりやのスティーナ」著者 ラニ・ヤマモト、 訳者 朱位昌併、株式会社平凡社、2021

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