pondering in Kyoto

Kyoto, 京都、power of art, 芸術、learning Japanese、日本語、Japanese culture, ancient capital, 日本学、Japanology, Japan Studies

The original meaning of learning in Japanese is mimicking, which came from Chinese “the Analects of Confucius” . I studied it in high school classical Japanese class. Firstly we start learning by mimicking a model and after mastering some basics, move on to the next stage to set a question, then find the answer by ourselves. And lastly, we capture various elements in the world and the universe by our own methods. Design and edit them with one and only aesthetics, and showcase the small cosmos to the world. Searching of studies is composed by these 3 steps, I came to understand fully. It took great amount of time, though.


With the power of words, or the power of logos, we find meanings in every single element in the universe consisted of things, nature, air, temperature, atmosphere, space, brightness and darkness, flows of time and etc. And to spread the meanings vastly is the identity of studies.


I came to understand it thoroughly this time, by visiting the ancient capital of Kyoto to study Japanese culture more deeply and densely. Walked around a lot and exchanged utterly exciting ideas with many people and read plenty of interesting books that I’ve never come across before. The library that I visited was like a gem. And the thought was yielded by taking the passage.


Knew American magazine “New Yorker” by name, but flipped through the physical book for the very first time. The cover design of each edition was so beautifully sophisticated. Pictorial records of Shosoin, the treasure house of Todai-ji temple Nara, Japan from the 8th century. Art magazines of Matisse and Renoir and Lautrec each. Uniquely edited adorable book of plastic floor carpet of all across Japan. Small literature book for conceited and capricious book loving girls. Houses of artists photo book. Photo book of beautiful toilets of all across Japan. Cooking book for ultimate egg recipes. Pottery travelogues of ex-prime minister of Japan who is now a classy potter.

アメリカ雑誌New Yorker はその存在を知ってはいたけれど、初めて手に取って読んでみた。表紙がどの号も洗練されていて美しかった。書庫にあった正倉院の図録。マティス、ルノアール、ロートレックがそれぞれ特集してある雑誌。全国の床のビニールカーペット写真を取材して、可愛らしく編集してあるユニークな本。「志は高く、了見は狭く」の小娘が愛する文学の小さな本。芸術家が住んだ家の写真集。全国の美しいトイレの写真集。卵料理を極める本。今は陶芸家となった粋人、元首相細川護煕の全国陶芸紀行。

And found English and Japanese bilingual book introducing Japanese traditions (this kind of bilingual books are increasing recently, and I make a market research for my project, but I’ve never seen those books written by a single person with taking pictures, the Japanese writer and the translator and the photographer are all different).


Curators of the library select those books with acute insight and power of observations. The free and liberating novelty, and the values of historical background were all touching. How I wish to own the whole library. Or I’d like to live in there if possible…


Get things organized neatly with the power of words, and understand things logically by the ability to think. It sure is the power of logos, but the logos accelerated drastically and explosively and the civilized society is overripe; apex of civilization as it is. Like overripe persimmon that is just waiting for the moment to fall? Facing with COVID pandemic and the fire of war, we human beings are at loss and not knowing anything certain.


Nobody on earth has the clear answer for the catastrophe. Intellect and reason are in the side of logos, but on the other hand we possess emotions and physis. We can capture and create beautiful image in our mind and transform it into original art and share with people. That’s the potential of art. Healing power and treatment for injured and wounded soul is hidden and treasured in beautiful art, I believe.


Something dazzling and sparkling. Something aromatic. Something that evokes Wabi Sabi. Something with transient beauty. Something a little dim but sees through hope in the distance. We are all looking for and craving for such a thing seriously, earnestly and sincerely. We want to see such a small cosmos, we want to touch it, smell it, taste it, and create it. Are we not desiring so? In the ancient capital of Kyoto, I was in rush and walking so fast, hopping on the subways. But my mind was so serene and pondering over and over so.


Love and Peace to the world…


Life Is Short, Create Your Art

Kyotoite and Nishiki Market

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