Lafcadio Hearn and Folklore

Lafcadio Hearn, Japanese ghost stories, Japanologist, Japan Studies, Japanese folklore, 小泉八雲、民俗学、怪談、島根松江、ラフカディオ・ハーン

Visited Lafcadio Hearn Memorial Museum and the old residence in Matsue, Shimane. Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904) is an important figure who cultivated the genre of Japanese folklore. Hearn was an Greek born English man who later naturalized Japanese as Koizumi Yagumo. One of his works “KWAIDAN”, Japanese primitive ghost tales and the spiritual belief is worldly famous, but here I want to analyze into his spirit that supported the distinguished achievement.

島根の松江にある小泉八雲記念館と旧居を訪れた。小泉八雲ことラフカディオ・ハーン(1850-1904) は、日本の民俗学というまだ当時は確立されていなかった学問分野を切り開き、大変意義深い仕事を残した人である。ギリシア生まれのイギリス人であったハーンは、後に日本に帰化して小泉八雲となった。古くから伝わる日本の幽霊や精霊信仰のことを記した著書「怪談」は世界的に有名だが、ここでは、人とは一線を画したその業績を成し遂げた精神を支えたものを、分析して行ってみたい。

Lafcadio Hearn was left alone from parents when little and raised up by aunt, and he experienced another tragedy of losing his left eye when playing. The catastrophe remained as stagnant complex that never ceased. On the contrary, five senses that captured beauty in smallest thing were polished and refined. And he nurtured special empathy toward spirits in delicate and feeble matters.


As a student, he was studying in Catholic disciplined school but disappointed in the teachers and the priests that were filled with hypocrisy. The days of agonies and torments transformed into the backbone that yielded the great accomplishment.


Hearn was poor at math, but he was blessed with a remarkable writing skill and made a living as a journalist. The reason why he made a voyage to Japan was that he was dispatched as a foreign correspondent. He didn’t show any interest to Tokyo, Osaka, nor Yokohama that were thriving and busy with good economy. But he had special attachment to Matsue, Shimane and the country lifestyle. He found and depicted small, and queer, and mysterious things that were from the ancient times. He showed sympathy toward something trivial and trifling.


His best friends were butterflies, insects, frogs, the sunset, and bamboo shoots. Hearn cherished the evanescent beauty, his son Koizumi Kazuo wrote. He saw fragrant and evaporating sentiments like perfume and treasured them more than anything.


Bon Odori of summer dance festival, Fox Shrines, croaking frog voice in the Japanese garden, and folktales of Sanin area, he wrote about the ancient customs and the Japanese mindset that no Japanese paid special attention since they were becoming to be believed as outdated. He wrote with awe and enchanting freshness with beautiful nostalgia and he let the world know of the beauty. He became a frontier of Japanese folklore, and we can learn something consequential from his attitude as a Japanologist.


In the Memorial Museum, I bought two books “GLIMPSES OF UNFAMILIAR JAPAN” and “KWAIDAN” and reading the former now with so much delight. Hearn’s work is overflowing with sincerity that captures something with sheer amazement and embraces it with dearness. In the exotic country of Japan, he observed small things with affection and wrote about them with special bonding while echoing one another. By doing so, he cultivated the new academic field.

記念館にて”GLIMPSES OF UNFAMILIAR JAPAN” (邦題「知られぬ日本の面影」)と”KWAIDAN” (邦題「怪談」)の原書を2冊買い、 今は前者を楽しく読み進めているところだ。ハーンの仕事は「驚きをもって感じ入り、それをしみじみと慈しむ心」で溢れている。日本という異国で、小さなもの達を深い情愛を持って観察し、共鳴共震しつつ記述して、それを一つの体系にまで昇華させて行った。

In the old residence of Hearn’s, the small Japanese garden that he loved was remained untouched and a frog was croaking. I pondered over Lafcadio Hearn who loved this sound and felt as if I encountered with him, caught a glimpse of his face.


Natsume Soseki who contributed to establish Japanese modern literature respected and admired Hearn as his master. The novel of Soseki “Sanshirou” can be read as based upon his own experience in university days, and there is a description of Hearn aka Koizumi Yagumo.


Quote-“Late professor Koizumi Yagumo loathed going into the teacher’s room and he kept walking around the pond over and over after finishing a lecture. He said as if he learned from professor Koizumi. Sanshiro asked why didn’t he go into the teacher’s room and was answered “For sure, you can notice by attending their lectures. No one can speak English.” Sanshiro was marveled as the guy slapped the teachers nonchalantly.”-unquote. (translated the original by myself)


Soseki experienced teaching English in Kumamoto same as Hearn, and taught in Imperial University of Tokyo as a successor of Hearn, and they are resting in peace together in Zoushigaya Grave Yard. Encounter with a master whom you respect and admire from the bottom of your heart is one of the most delightful experiences in life.


Love and Peace to the world…



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