BUSHIDO; Nitobe Inazo

BUSHIDO, Nitobe, samurai, Japanese spirit, 武士道、侍、sakura, cherry blossoms、桜、新渡戸稲造、world peace, 世界平和, Christianity, 日本語

To study Japanese Modern History, I’m reading “BUSHIDO” with the original text written by Nitobe Inazo published in 1900 New York. It is first written in English, Nitobe pursued writing this in order to redefine Japanese mentality widely misunderstood as vulgar and rude. The target readers of the book were intellectual class in the West, therefore the context is requiring much effort to understand. It is suitable for careful reading, but now it’s beautiful Sakura cherry blossom season in Japan and I took different approach. Firstly listened to it by audiobook via iPhone and enjoyed viewing Sakura while walking, and sank into the book with my whole body.

日本の近代史を勉強しようと、1900年にニューヨークで刊行された新渡戸稲造の「武士道」を原書で読んでいる。これはもともと英語で書かれたもので、野卑なものとして誤解されていた日本人の精神性を、再定義しなおす目的を持って、欧米での知識人階級を主な読者として想定して書かれたものであり、英文の難度が高い。精読向きの本だが、桜の季節でもあるし、私はちょっと趣向を変えて”BUSHIDO” の audiobook をiPhoneで聴きながら散歩している。桜を愛でながらまずは耳から慣らして、身体に文体を染み込ませることにしたのだ。

Nitobe Inazo Wikipedia
新渡戸稲造 ウィキペディア

Rectitude; 清廉潔白
Courage; 度胸
Benevolence; 情け
Politeness; 礼
Veracity and Sincerity; 真と誠
Honor; 名、面目
Duty of Loyalty; 忠義心
Self-control; 克己(己に克つ)

Nitobe argued these terms and the Japanese mentality quoting Bible as he was a devout Christian. As he was trying to explain Japanese mindset, he introduced an episode. An acquaintance of Nitobe, American missionary wife who resided in Japan for 20 years told him an occurrence as awfully funny and foolish. When the lady was out in the scorching heat, her acquaintance passed by. The person put his hat off and his parasol was off while they were talking. This attitude of “politeness” and “sharing the pain” in the glaring heat is something still common among Japanese. And the Japanese in general won’t recognize the act as something ludicrous.


“Samurai pretends to be satisfied in spite of huger”, the Japanese have this terminology. The spirit of Bushido is aiming for something higher, something impracticably higher with an attitude of rectitude and sincerity.


While reading and listening to this “BUSHIDO”, I kept thinking about my late father. He was proud to be from a samurai class. And he loathed fighting and always kept a neutral position. He attained high principle for himself, demanding and aspiring himself to be noble.


Sakura cherry blossoms attribute the aesthetics in the very spirit of scattering away. Until his last moment in the hospital, father was telling a nurse “Thank you very much.” whenever the nurse took phlegm from his throat. The treatment was so painful I could tell by seeing father’s agonizing expression. But not even once he omit showing his politeness. I find the ultimate spirit of Bushido here. However, my father was a very humble and shy person, he might scold me for complimenting him too much, though.


Speaking of the word Bushido, many people might associate it with a movie “The Last Samurai”. And reading along the book, a suspicion occurred. In oder to confirm it I read an academic thesis dealing with “BUSHIDO” and checked English sites written in detail. And my suspicion was proved to be exact. This book of “BISHIDO” was used for Japanese military propaganda during the World WarⅡwith an arbitrary misinterpretation that was far from Nitobe’s foremost intention of writing this book.


By nature, human prefers simple structure. Categorizing things as black or white, right or left, right or wrong. If things are too complicated, it is beyond ones understanding, and dividing things and persons to be enemy or ally, good or bad is the act of securing one’s safe zone aka security. However, we live in the complicated world and we must endure this complexities and pursue peace with ceaseless efforts. And more than anytime of the history, I believe the attitude of seeking for peace is never to be disdained nor abandoned at this very present age.


Nitobe Inozao proclaimed international peace and he worked as the director of the International Bureaux Section in the of League of Nations. His portrait was used for 5,000 yen bill note of Japan from 1984 to 2007.


Praying for Love and Peace.


参考文献:”BUSHIDO The Soul of Japan” Inazo Nitobe, 1900

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