Vigdis and UNESCO

Hello. Today, I want to write about former president of Iceland, Vigdis Finnbogadottir. She is the first female president in the world who was elected by a national election. I came to know her when my Icelandic best friend gave me a book written about her.


Vigdis is now 90 years old and she is still very active and influential. She is the only UNESCO Goodwill ambassador for Languages. When she was in the presidency, she advocated a policy insisting the importance of conserving their mother tongue, Icelandic. And at the same time she emphasized the values of learning foreign languages earnestly. To be truly international, it is crucial to embrace and cherish their identity as Icelanders. I find one of the answers of globalization here. To respect others while respecting yourself.


It is often pointed out that Japanese are very bad at English, and sadly I have to admit it is true. But it is also true that Japanese is one of the most difficult languages on the planet. We Japanese must be proud of the fact.


In Japan it is often debated the importance of educating children to be able to speak English. But many groups of people including linguists and scholars go against the bilingual education insisting that if you teach children both Japanese and English at the early stage, many will get confused and it can lead them to be semi-lingual.


I always think that the debate is pointless. I personally know that it was a wonderful blessing that I was able to learn English in my childhood. The most important thing is to learn and study both Japanese and English diligently. And to be more aware of the importance of your mother tongue. It is the very basic. I believe that we Japanese can learn the attitude and method from Iceland.


This time I visited Iceland and had 4 lectures regarding Japanese culture and Japanese language at University of Iceland and Hamrahild College. At university of Iceland, I was given an honorable opportunity to have 2 lectures at Verold, Vigdis Finnbogadottir’s Institute. It is an international center for multilingualism and international understanding of UNESCO. Japan major students are literally in love with studying Japanese and I was so very glad to know that. And the inside of the building was so lovely.

今回私はアイスランドを訪問して、アイスランド国立大学とハムラヒルド・カレッジで日本文化と日本語に関する講義を四本行いました。アイスランド国立大学では、大変光栄なことに二本の講義をヴィグディス大統領に因んで命名されたHouse of Vigdis ですることができたのです。通称Verold (世界)と呼称されているこの施設は、ユネスコの多言語教育及び国際理解のための国際機関でもあります。日本専攻の学生達は皆、日本語が大好きで大好きでたまらない人ばかりで、心から楽しんで日本語を学んでおり、こちらもとても嬉しくなりました。そのユネスコ施設の内部はとてもお洒落です。

And I was very fond of the chairs at the basement cafe area. It was very sophisticated Scandinavian design and the seats were all cow’s hide.


The exterior of the Verold, Vigdsis Finnbogadottir’s Institute was splendid.

House of Vigdis の外観。本当に洗練された建築です。

I’m so thankful for what I have and what I have experienced all through my life, I’m receiving affluent blessings. So it it my turn to plant seeds. I pray that this blog can be a hint and joy for someone I haven’ t met yet. I pray that this blog can convey something good like water crests. I dearly wish that by reading this blog, you can get some positive vibrations and you would start something special with your own creative way!


Abundant blessings for each one of you! Cheers!


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