Gender and Education; SDGs

During the COVID outbreak in 2020 and 2021, I should say it was a relief that people all over the world’s attention was inevitably drawn to SDGs. The COVID pandemic gave opportunities to each one of us to think hard the huge issues that this earth is facing. COVID gave enough time and inevitability that the issues are not somebody else’s problems, but our own. SDGs came to be featured on textbooks of elementary schools and junior high schools in Japan. It is going to be shared as a common recognition from now on.

コロナ禍に見舞われた2020年、2021年、一つの救いの様に世界中の意識が持続可能な開発目標( SDGs )へと向けられました。コロナ禍を契機として、私達一人ひとりが、地球が抱えている大きな課題を、否が応でも「自分ごと」として受け止めるための時間と必然性が与えられたのです。SDGs は小中学校の教科書にも掲載され、これからは令和の共通教養として定着して行く事になるでしょう。

By learning SDGs, you come to know that there are 17 goals.

SDGs の事を学んで行くと、17の目標がある事が分かります。

1. No poverty
2. Zero hunger
3. Good health and well-being
4. Quality education
5. Gender equality
6. Clean water and sanitation
7. Affordable and clean energy
8. Decent work and economic growth
9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10. Reduced inequalities
11. Sustainable cities and communities
12. Responsible consumption and production
13. Climate action
14. Life below water
15. Life and land
16. Peace, justice and strong institutions
17. Partnerships for the goals
1. 貧困をなくそう
2. 飢餓をゼロに
3. すべての人に健康と福祉を
4. 質の高い教育をみんなに
5. ジェンダー平等を実現しよう
6. 安全な水とトイレを世界中に
7. エネルギーをみんなにそしてクリーンに
8. 働きがいも経済成長も
9. 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう
10. 人や国の不平等をなくそう
11. 住み続けれれるまちづくりを
12. つくる責任つかう責任
13. 気候変動に具体的な対策を
14. 海の豊かさを守ろう
15. 陸の豊かさも守ろう
16. 平和と公正をすべての人に
17. パートナーシップで目標を実現しよう 

When thinking about the issues as my own, my attention goes to gender equality and quality education. Gender Gap Index of Japan was 121th out of 153 countries in 2019. Not only the gap between men and women, but there is another serious negative social consensus hidden on the back.


I must admit it is shameful and disgraceful downside of this country that someone made up a plot saying “woman’s enemy is woman”. One time, a female journalist who was a victim of sexual violence had a lawsuit with all her might, however there was rigorous bashing toward the lady on the internet. She was suffered from the double tortures. The pains and sorrows she went through must have been enormous. To make gender equality come true, the first step Japan must take is to nurture stronger bonding between women. I believe fundamentally the nature of women is gentle and nurturing.


Whenever I come across articles like “ranking of women hated by women” or “this type of woman are disgusting” on a magazine or an internet, I feel rage for evoking this type of fruitless disputes. Again, my beloved country Japan is secretly hiding this ugly face on the back.


Personally, I have been supported vastly by my female friends. When I had to go through desperate situations, I was helped immensely by good hearted ladies, and it was filled with warm vibrations.


As of my occupation, I was working as a cram school teacher, private tutor, private Japanese tutor for part time job in university, as well as volunteer tour guide for foreign visitors in Tokyo. After commencement, I have been working as an English teacher in educational industry besides translator and interpreter for 20 solid years. Therefore, I have some hope that I can contribute for the field of quality education in SDGs.

また、大学生の頃に塾講師、家庭教師、日本語チューターをアルバイトでずっとして、東京案内の通訳ボランティアもしていました。大学卒業後は二十年間、翻訳業と通訳業に携わりつつ、英会話講師として長らく教育産業に身を置いてきました。私自身 SDGs の取り組みの中で、教育分野では何がしかの貢献が出来るのではないかと希望を持っています。

The purpose of writing this blog is to reach out the world to share our Japanese culture and beautiful Japanese language. Anyone can access here freely so I believe I can reach out to wider range of people. I pray this blog can give good influence on large number of people around the globe taking good time.


The most important thing when thinking about SDGs is to accept the issues as your own. The subject is you, not somebody else, and face with the problems without hiding. For example, environmental issues of global warming can be thought from somewhere near from you. And when you go further, you come to recognize that we are all on a big ship, Mother Nature, Mother Earth.

SDGs を考える時に一番大切なことは、どこかよその遠い話として意識的に距離を置くのではなく、自分ごととして、主語を「私」として正面から向き合うことだと思います。環境問題の温暖化にしても、エネルギー問題にしても、まず自分の身近なところから考えて行くこと。そうすればその先にある「母なる自然、母なる地球」という大きな船に、私たちみんなが乗っているという事に気づくでしょう。

The goal that “leaving no one behind” is implying for the recognition. And I believe each one of the readers of this blog have a field that you are working on. There is no such person who is worthless, and somebody is thinking about and working for somebody else so that this society can coexist. Everyone, let’s keep on contributing as much as we can in order to to sustain this globe for a long time.


Love and Peace!

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