Lady Murasaki vs. Lady Sei

紫式部、清少納言、英語で紫式部と清少納言を書いてみる、源氏物語、紫式部日記、光る君へ、枕草子、女の戦い、マウント、嫉妬、Lady Murasaki, Lady Sei Shonagon, The Pillow Book, The Tale of Genji

In Japan, there is a boom of Heian Era (late 8C.~12C.) women’s literature once again. Many of bookstores set a corner of Lady Murasaki and Lady Sei Shonagon, and the books piled up are selling like a hotcake. NHK is broadcasting history drama series of Lady Murasaki of ‘The Tale of Genji’, that’s one reason for this trend.

日本では今、平安時代の女流文学が再び熱視線を浴びています。本屋さんの多くで紫式部と清少納言のコーナーが設けてあり、平積みの本はよく売れている様です。現在NHK の大河ドラマ『光る君へ』で紫式部のことが取り上げられているのが、このブームの背景にあります。

One thousand years history of women’s literature Japan treasures, and the boom of Lady Murasaki and Lady Sei Shonagon has been repeated like tides come and go. It has been ceaselessly favored and intrigued people’s attention.


This ©️ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog is inspired by ‘The Pillow Book’, the world first essay compilations of Lady Sei. And my previous articles featuring ‘The Pillow Book’ are often read for the last couple of months. Quite seriously I desire to become Lady Sei Shonogon of this age, so I observe the once-again-trend quite delightfully.

この ©️ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog は清少納言の『枕草子』を着想の元としていることもあり、以前書いた『枕草子』を取り上げた記事がここ数ヶ月よく読まれています。私は現代の清少納言になりたいと、おめでたいことに結構真剣に思っていたりするので、再び盛り上がって来たこの流行を心愉しく観察しています。

Had inspiration and went to a library to borrow ‘Lady Murasaki Diary’, not the world famous ‘The Tale of Genji’. And read both classical Japanese and modern translation, then had compare and contrast with my all time hero Lady Sei’s ‘The Pillow Book’


Magnetically, I was captivated by Lady Murasaki criticizing Lady Sei piercingly. Nobody doubts Lady Murasaki being the highest peak of intellect of Japanese history, though.


紫式部日記』 五二 清少納言こそ


Murasaki Shikibu Diary’ chapter 52 About Lady Sei Shonagon

Lady Sei Shonagon wants to believe her intelligence uncontrollably. Pretends to be clever and writes Chinese character here and there. But checking in detail, so insufficient in many ways. Someone who wants to be best of the bests, it sure looks inferior. And her future will be worse and worse.


Toward self-amusing brilliant Lady Sei, Lady Murasaki who never admits talent other than herself is gaining the upper hand. Pathetic and dark Murasaki is. This is the defeat of Murasaki, I don’t accept other opinions. Having envy inclines to lead to lose the game. Murasaki couldn’t let go of Sei’s conceited nature. Darker and darker Murasaki’s sly mind goes and deepens.


The excellence of Lady Sei is dwelling in her sense of humor. She wished to amuse and entertain her woman master Empress Teishi. And while writing on and on, Lady Sei became so enthralled by her own talent. “I’m so very cool! I wrote such exquisite lines once again! ” She’s confident euphorically. The self-absorbing malady of Sei’s is transcending over 1,000 years. It is supremely exhilarating.



Sei’s self-absorbing nature can be seen in ‘The Pillow Book’ chapter 125.


When the sun got higher, Hagi plant looks heavy holding dews shaking branches. Not touched by anyone, yet it bounces back upper swiftly, so intriguing. And what I say is not interesting to any hearts of others at all, and it is even more intriguing.



Murasaki’s ‘The Tale of Genji’ has motifs of tears, sentiment, and entangled beauty. And sorrowful human nature and destiny are the theme. Hence, there is no element of humor. Murasaki seems to have read ‘The Pillow Book’ examining minutely to find failures of slight mistake of Chinese Characters. And Murasaki must have felt fierce envy and anger toward Sei’s sense of humor and the aesthetics.


Women’s rivalry is the same old and new, all over the world. Pushing rival drawing to be pushed back. Yet it’s irresistible. Making sure of own superiority is the critical matter for big and small.


And because of this stupidity, women are so unavoidably lovable. Here, once again I recall words of Mishima “lady is a cute little box filled with vices”. So dazzling indeed.


Love and Peace…

*Overseas, there’s big misbelief of pillow of ‘The Pillow Book’ comes from a box of pillow, or a box of writing brush. When Lady Sei was presented precious paper from Empress Teishi, Lady Sei suggested using it for a pillow (having a poetic epithet) with a sense of humor, it’s the origin. /海外では『枕草子』の由来は枕を入れる箱とする説や、筆を入れる硯箱とする説があるがそれは大きな誤り。当時高級品だった紙を中宮定子より賜ったときに、「枕にかせむ」と枕と枕詞を掛けた清少納言の才智が『枕草子』の由来

『原文&現代語訳シリーズ 紫式部日記』小谷野純一、笠間書院、2007年
『日本の古典をよむ⑧ 枕草子』松尾聰・永井和子、小学館、2007年

Murakami, Mononoke, Kyoto

Kenichi Fujisaki, Rock’n’ Roll

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