Completed studies in Kyoto University of the Arts Master’s Course, and visited Kyoto to attend the commencement. The fruit of the studies is that I established Japanography and became the pioneer. Japanography is an expressive activity of writing and lecturing Japanese culture in Japanese and English bilingual. Wrote the thesis in Japanese and a digest version in English as well. It’ll be able to read in Kyoto University of the Arts, and I’m going to share them here seeing the timing.
京都芸術大学大学院修士課程を無事修了し、学位授与式に京都まで行って来ました。この二年間の研究の成果は、ジャパノグラフィーを確立させて第一人者になれたこと、全てはそこへ集約されてゆきます。ジャパノグラフィーとは、日本文化を日本語と英語で綴り講義する、日本に関する記述法というものです。修論の題目は『New Japanographyの実践、考察と展望』。京都芸術大学に行けば閲覧できるようになりますが、日本語版と縮尺英語版も書いたので、頃合いを見図りつつ公開したいと考えています。

I’m completely satisfied that I was able to sublimate my life story beginning at the age of 5 when started learning English. Gathered together all elements into one theory and transformed the personal workings into one activity that anyone learning Japanese culture in the world can tackle. In a seminar, a professor said the process of transfiguring a perspective of ‘I’ into ‘we’ is the path that artists forge ahead.
英語を学び始めた五歳の頃から続く人生の物語を全てぶつけて、それを一つの体系としてまとめ、個人的な営みを世界中の日本文化を学ぶ人が取り組めるものへと昇華させる道筋を作ることが出来たこと、本当に嬉しく思います。ゼミの一コマで I の視点を we にすることは、芸術家が通る道だと言われた先生がいました。

If I’m absorbed in myself and obsessed with my own, I’m a hopeless narcissistic piece of crap, I recognize it through and through. Therefore, it’s a personal achievement that I was able to rewrite the story of ‘mine’ into a story of ‘each one of us’ can create.

Kyoto University of the Arts has Kyoto campus and Tokyo campus. The first year I had a place for presentations of the studies in Kyoto, and the second year in Tokyo. I was able to establish Japanography in the ancient capital of 1,200 years, and mega metropolis of the world. It is going to mean furthermore in the future. It is a grass-root project of mine, but on the flip side, it was warmly protected by hands of so many. I want to represent my deepest gratitude.

And there was unexpected gift, I was able to encounter with high level professionals, each one of them work in the front field. We threw a gathering after the ceremony in classy Tofu cuisine restaurant. Drunk with Yuzu citrus sake and my mind was quite fuzzy, but we were gregariously chatting and eating, bursting out laughter countless times. A lady showed a great sense of humor based on the Japanese history and it was hilarious!

Kyoto is like a boundary of evil and mesmerizing, all shapes of vicious spirits walk by smiling elegantly. Or a capital of enchanting sentiment where people love appreciating Kamo river water runs through. The antimony of purgatory and flower garden is the core identity of Kyoto, I finally came to conclude after finished studying in Kyoto and Tokyo.

The first chapter, I started bilingual blog activity and succeeded a lecture trip to Iceland. The second chapter, after experiencing COVID pandemic I established Japanography in Kyoto University of the Arts. And the third chapter unfolds form here. Japanography to the world. I pray this project prevails the globe. And I continue the studies devoting my whole life, but from here I must get back to work, teaching English and carrying on linguistic jobs. Go down to earth and go over the earth!
Love and peace, learning never ends.