
  1. Creativity Enhances Your Life

    creativity, crochet, knitting, Japanese pottery, 小石原焼、日本語、絵本, learning Japanese, 編み物、創造性、クリエイティブ、さむがりやのスティーナ

  2. Enchanting Eel Cuisines

    鰻、eels, 食べる喜び、joy of eating, foodie, Japanese cuisine, 清少納言、枕草子、The Pillow Book, Lady Sei Shonagon, うなぎ、博多、にほんご

  3. The Pillow Book, Kyoto, Finland

    The Pillow Book,枕草子、清少納言、Japan and Finland, dreams come true, 夢を叶える、 にほんご, Japanese literature, 平安時代、平安文学

  4. WABI SABI: perfectly imperfect

    WABI SABI, Japanology, Japanophile, にほんご, IKIGAI, KAIZEN, ZEN, BUSHIDO,

  5. Lonesome Poet, Wakayama Bokusui

    tanka, 若山牧水, Japanese poet, tanka poem, lonesome, Japanese education, にほんご

  6. Ancient Love; Hyakunin Isshu

    In ancient Japan, a bud of literature was sprout …

  7. Soseki and London

    Today, I'd like to write about Natsume Soseki (18…

  8. Kawabata and Nobel Prize

    Today, I'd like to write about Kawabata Yasunari …

  9. 文系女子の愉しみ


  10. Dazaifu; the birth of Reiwa

    Paid a visit to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine where a d…

  11. The Pillow Book; the rise of essay

    Happy New Year! To commemorate the New Year's Day…

  12. Kazuo Ishiguro and Nagasaki

    "The winner of Nobel Prize for Literature 2017 is…

  13. Quirky? Japanese Literature

    In recent times, Japanese literature especially w…

  14. Literature of Mishima

    Hello. Today, I want to analyze into the literatu…

  15. National Diet Library, Japan

    (The photo is National Diet Library Japan, Intern…

  16. Murakami and His Style

    Hello every one. It is widely said that Murakami …

  17. Love Affairs in The Tale of Genji

    Hello, everyone. Today I want to introduce you so…