I visited Keith Haring art exhibition, reminiscing my trip to NY. The pop coloring could trick you to believe cute and innocent world view. However, each work was as if a child crying painfully unable to describe the suffering in words.

Child is an existence always holding big anxiety and sadness unable to verbalize while acting goofy or fooling around. Not grasping the world and unwritten rules there, and only sees in front and moves forward by making trials and countless mistakes by opening new doors.

For a child, number of words and ways to describe what is happening inside are limited, only able to translate with handful bright colors. Own standing point is always shaking, and if someone smashes you harshly out of the blue, the only resolution to keep balance is to shake intensely.

I suppose Keith Haring was an artist of vulnerable heart and soul who was holding a small child inside. Not excellency nor magnificent skill nor perfection of artisan, but using a tool of something different, he was throwing a ball of originality to this world. Asking what is art?

In the structure of simplicity, deep sorrows and pains are dwelling indispensably. Maybe it represents physical and mental agony, his identity as a gay. And he was afraid of violence inevitably, even though he entrusts hope with a baby that bears fruit in such working while tortured in his complexed perspective of sexual minority.

Crying on the flip side of smiling face. Sadness and loneliness that you never share with others. And you put on a persona in relationship with others and act out smoothly and nonchalantly.

You play this style in front of this person. And play differently for another one. I recognized my own persona in the 7th grade. Of course I didn’t know such a terminology back then.

Creation activity is to immerse into your own work putting aside the persona. So your work oozes out your truthfulness unintentionally. That’s why seeing what one does is more important than what one says. Then each one of us spend our whole life to complete making an art of our own. Making painstaking efforts to save yourself and people around. We might be powerless, but still we see hope in the distance.

We are all suffering, but we can make peace. On the day of August 6th, the day of atomic bombs were dropped in Hiroshima, I pray peace.
Love and Peace…