Singer Aoyama Sachiko

蒼山幸子、ねごと、JPOP, music lover, Japan blogger, Highlight, スロウナイト、PANORAMA、パノラマ、日本語、learn Japanese, music power

From above Haneda Airpot. Can you see Tokyo Tower?

Listening to music of Aoyama Sachiko lately. I was walking alone on a winter path listening to her songs from iPhone before sunset time when the sun started declining. Feel a little lonely but the loneliness was twinkling tinily just like reflection of the moon on the ocean. It was so beautiful. Like you and someone crossing over, attracting one another, but never the moments last forever. She sings the emotions like whispering dearly and cherish them in her hands preciously.


I wonder if she creates a song transforming feelings of picking up acorns, colored leaves, unknown nuts on a walking path and bringing back home. Or she is singing of love in the metropolis, people having delicate sensitivity interacting one another, sensing the warmth of each other but the loneliness goes on tranquilly. Aoyama Sachiko makes the tapestry combining those emotions one by one and creates a song, then showcases those songs and make one album. In this latest album of Highlight, my favorites were the songs below. Please take your time and listen.

散歩の途中でどんぐりを拾ったり、赤く色付いた落ち葉を拾ったり、名前を知らない木の実を拾って家に持って帰りたくなる様な気持ちを、歌にしたらこうなるのかな、とか。或いは都会の雑踏の中でも、繊細な感受性を持った人と人が心を通わせ合う様や、そこに宿る仄かな温かさと、それでも続いてゆく静謐さを纏った孤独。そんな気持ちの破片を一つずつ繋ぎ合わせて、一つの作品にして、その作品を幾つも並べて一つのアルバムにしています。この最新アルバム、Highlight の中から特に好きな曲はスロウナイトとPANORAMAでした。動画サイトでも視聴出来るので、是非聴いてみてください。

As Aoyama Sachiko talks herself, she desires to express deep world by combining simple words nicely. I always admire her sense of choosing words. She is a big fan of Yoshimoto Banana and I also used to read a lot of Banana’s works before marriage, and it’s a pleasure that I can relate myself with her.


Aoyama Sachiko used to be a vocalist of a girls-band “Negoto” (sleep talking). In the autumn of 2018, the band was invited to festival of Yamaguchi University Medical Course. And we went to see the outdoor concert all the way to Yamaguchi. Aoyama Sachiko writes most of the lyrics of the band, and her world was like flickering of a planet. Her world makes you feel wondrous, and her twinkling of the uniqueness is one of a kind. Once heard that music and math are cousins sharing foundation of permutations and combinations, and she seems to have the cool intelligence. Her mesmerizing talent that she writes and composes music is one and only and she entices me with the melodies of enchanting words and sounds.


Due to long lasting COVID, it is getting hard for us to connect one another. But the act of listening to music intently saved me a lot. I believe many people experienced the same. Books, music, art, food, and all kinds of arts. The beautiful products that we create embodies the power to heal us. We are surviving the difficult period, but please embrace and cherish those little and fine colorings in each of our lives. It can be an exquisite treasure for us.


Love and Peace to the world.


Japonisme in Paris


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