To celebrate Master’s Course commencement, we visited Nikko Toshogu Shrine in Tochigi. Early March Nikko was still cold and snow remained. The atmosphere of the premises bountifully surrounded with cedars was serene and dignified. Needless to say, Nikko is enshrined Tokugawa Ieyasu who left will to become a mighty god.

I’m not certain if Ieyasu actually became a deity, nor it’s not me who decides. In Japan there is animism belief of 8 million gods from ancient era, and the historical background is different from Christianity or Islam monotheism. Therefore, there is no answer to reach out. In Japan there are quite a few historical figures who became deities after passed away.

However, one thing is evident that Tokugawa Ieyasu was a strikingly prominent figure. He ceased the period of bloody wars, and built firm foundation of Edo era that can be described as Japanese Renaissance when affluent culture bloomed & ripened that continued for 260 plus years. His accomplishment deserves the deepest admiration.

And I believe the most distinctive achievement of Ieyasu is that he valued education unquestionably highly and every child was obliged to learn to read and write, even the meanest peasant. Education is linked with hope, and education nurtures power to self-help.

Japanese elementary school students from 1st grader to 6th grader, they are obliged to do homework of writing Chinese characters and math calculation every single day. I didn’t like the repeating task of every day when little, but we kept practicing Chinese characters again and again, calculating again and again, and polished up sense of detecting slight difference. Chinese characters are so complicated to read and write, but in the compulsory education, we acquire something really sturdy.

Japanese tend to have self-denial that we are bad at English. And nowadays not few people chase over strange/unclear Japanese English. But we must notice the nonsense of Japanese English and revalue the power of education that we layered one by one for so long. From international point of view, to have good command of English is so ordinary, and one who is good at English and excels in Japanese is highly valued. I want Japanese people to recognize the fact more properly.

What I want to emphasize is that we must tackle Japanese and English equally avidly. Education is hope, and education is the path to peace, I believe it so like Ieyasu.

It’s meaningless to have dualism, saying Japan is supremely wonderful or Japan is hopelessly devastating. I love Japanese culture and endeavored to establish Japanograohy. Though, I adopt Cultural Relativism, believing any culture of any country is richly blessed with historical wisdom, tradition, arts, and thoughts passed on from generation to generation.

There were many tourists in Nikko, and not only English but there were guides of German and Vietnamese, internationalization is going further. And I think guests from abroad have the same feeling as I do. Each one of us recognize our difference, and respect each culture. I believe there is peace.

It was grudging to climb up hundreds of stairs, but somehow I managed to reach out the grave of Ieyasu. I wonder if I understand the philosophy of his.

We visited a museum of Ieyasu’s treasures from Edo era. Words carved on the wall was echoing in my heart.
Testament of Ieyasu
人の一生は重荷を負いて遠き道をゆくが如し いそぐべからず 不自由を常とおもへば不足なし こころに望おこらば困窮したる時を思ひ出すべし 堪忍は無事長久の基 いかりは敵とおもへ 勝事ばかり知りてまくる事をしらざれば害其身にいたる おのれを責めて人をせむるな 及ばざるは過ぎたるよりまされり
Life is like walking along a long road shouldering a heavy load; there is no need to hurry. One who treats difficulties as the normal state of affairs will never be discontented. Patience is the source of eternal peace; treat anger as an enemy. Harm will befall one who knows only success and has never experienced failure. Blame yourself rather than others. It is better not to reach than to go too far.
( Wikipedia translation)

The importance of knowing little is enough he teaches. And life is a long journey so never haste and never give up. Even in agonizing state, be patient and never abandon hope. Not complaining others but look back yourself to improve. And have a heart of peace. That’s the wisdom.
Love and Peace…
‘The Awakening of Japan’ Okakura-Kakuzo, special edition for Japan Society, INC. 1921