Manga Culture 3, -the long history-

Hi there! How are you doing? I keep writing about Manga Culture, continuing from the previous post, “Manga Culture 2, -the diversity-“.

皆さん、こんにちは。前回の Manga Culture 2, -the diversity- の続きを書いて行きます。

(I’ve wrote manga related articles 5 times before. If you are interested, please take your time to read them!マンガ関連の記事は今までに5本書いているので、もし良ければ読んでみてください。)

Manga that fascinates people all around the globe has become an object of academism in Japan. It is studied and surveyed academically here. Kyoto Seika University is the pioneer in the field and manga has been featured in the university since 1973.


The word, manga is originated in Edo period (1603-1867). Hokusai, the genius Ukiyoe woodblock-print-artist invented the concept. The word manga means lazy illustration, and it is intended to make people laugh. Yes, it’s comical and funny, don’t you think so? This is the very beginning of manga culture that Japan can be proud of. However, Hokusai drew these manga just for fun and he could never have imagined that the world of manga would spread all over the world and become such an influential icon long after he passed away.


Later on, Hokusai’s manga gave a big impact on Andy Warhol also.


I’ve once heard very interesting thing. Manga for girls, Girls’ Manga stories are influenced by ancient court literature dates back more than 1000 years. Long history of literature since the time of “The Tale of Genji” and “Makuranosoushi” essays is living still in this day and age. Girls’ Manga is written by female manga artists for female readers. They are all so lyrical and romantic. Most of those manga are describing hopes and dreams of girls that is not down to earth rather than based on reality of love issues between men and women. And the readers project themselves to the love stories that are full of their desires.


Also, manga culture is deeply rooted in our daily lives in the society. In Japan, you can come across many kinds of manga on a daily basis as it is much easier to understand certain concepts that are a little difficult to figure out at once. For example, explanations of products, contents of political administrations, explanations of disease, or manuals of machinery can be understood easily if there are words and cartoons together. Japanese people know the fact so well.


People read words and think logically, and we perceive information concretely by seeing pictures . By doing so, we can absorb new concepts and ideas without having much stress. Japanese love the combinations of words and illustrations so enthusiastically and we dug the world of manga so deeply and so further. With having all these reasons and the background, our manga culture is thriving very richly and affluently.


To be continued. That’s all for today. Abundant blessings to each one of you! If you can’t wait to read the next article, I feel so contented!


Manga Culture 2, -the diversity-

Manga Culture 4, -Captain Tsubasa-

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