The more I go visit Kyoto, the further and further I want to step in deeper to the ancient capital of 1,200 years. The capital doesn’t disclose everything at once, it opens up the arms little by little. Feel as if I capture something, but it goes away nonchalantly at the next moment. That’s the very reason I get attracted on and on. The city is gentle and tender, but it is so enigmatic. It is as if a supreme beauty overflowing mystic charms.
You can never catch a glimpse of Kyoto at once, the more you go, the more you want to wander further. And you feel like you want to keep looking at the capital. There are fragments of sentiment here and there, and people cherish those beauties dearly. People treasure the atmosphere. And to understand sentiment is the heart to embrace those fragments.
‘Makura no Soshi’ the pioneer of essay literature of 1,000 years ago says “Nothing is more important than understanding sentiment and be kind and caring, it is gratifying for both men and women.” in the chapter 251. Understanding sentiment and to be kind and caring was the highly respected virtue for an eminent person to have in the Heian era Court Literature.
「よろづの事よりも情あるこそ、男はさらなり、女もめでたくおぼゆれ」(訳:すべてのことにまさって、やさしい思いやりの気持ちがあるのは、男はもちろんのこと、女でも結構なことに思われる。)と、随筆文学の先駆けである「枕草子 (第二五一段)」にあるように「情けある人」つまり情緒が分かり優しい思いやりがあるということは、平安時代の王朝文学においては何よりも大切な、高貴な位にあった人の資質でした。
Wearing kimono and touring the ancient capital is very much favored, so back side of couples dating or girls of two often show up to my pictures, and it is highlighting the charm of Kyoto as well. In Kyoto, there are numerous places that I want to pay a visit, and this time I explored the Gion district for the very first time.

(old shop for geisha girls to buy hair accessories/ 舞妓さんや芸妓さんが髪飾りを買うお店)
The district of Gion was oozing the smell of pleasure quarter. Since the atmosphere changed drastically after I went across Shijo Kwara Machi. It was something that I never knew by watching TV shows featuring geisha girls in Gion. It is filled with tradition, history, and aesthetic beauty. However, I sensed the aura of the games of love between man and woman so distinctly.

It might not be a well known fact overseas, but it has been the symbol of status for men in this country who have both prestige and fortune to have geisha of Gion for their mistress. Kabuki actors play in this district, and plenty of Japanese prime ministers have geisha of Gion as their mistress, it is the well known fact for people above certain age in Japan.
Gion is the pleasure quarter of Kyoto, and Edo had Yoshiwara as a red-light district. It was the base station of the fashion trend in the Edo era (1603~1867) and Oiran; courtesan was like a celeb actress of nowadays. Both geisha and Oiran courtesan knew literature, played Japanese harp, mastered tea ceremony, performed dancing. They were utterly attractive; both enticing and intelligent.
In Edo period geisha and prostitutes were often featured in Ukiyoe wood block prints. There is some sentiment of evanescence and sadness that sold ones youth and beauty, yet the spirit of IKI Japanese aesthetic can be found. It is touching.

(my Ukiyoe book collections/ 浮世絵の画集コレクション)
In the corner of Gion Tea House, there are sign boards prohibiting photos punishing for 10,000 yen to prevent from Maiko Geisha paparazzi. I was unable to see Maiko geisha, but took a picture of a poster at the bus stop.

And this time I reread a book titled ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ that was filmed as ‘SAYURI’ that won a big hit around the world. It was about a story of a geisha named Sayuri who was sold by parents and brought to Gion when little. She served as an apprentice first and became Maiko to Geiko geisha later. The life of geisha that had quite checkered life was telling the glamour and the sorrowfulness of the pleasure quarter. And the flower bloomed there was gorgeous and adorable, yet pitiful and enchanting.
また、この記事を書くにあたり、‘SAYURI’ という題名で世界中で話題になった、祇園の芸妓の生涯を映画にしたその原作の本 ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ を読み返してみました。親に売られて祇園の置屋さんに連れて来られ、子供の頃から下働きをし、そののち舞妓から芸妓になったサユリの数奇な人生の物語を読むと、祇園という花街の美しさと哀しみが切々と伝わってきます。そこに咲く華やかで愛らしく、どこか寂しげで魔性を持つ花のことも。
The life of Sayuri was shaken up and down, toyed by the World War Ⅱ. She emigrated to America in 1956 and lived in New York. But she desired to leave records of her life as a geisha in the pleasure quarter of Gion, Kyoto. She told her saga to the author and the translator and made them promise to publish it after she and her several men customers passed away. She hid the identities of certain men. It was a great concern of Sayuri’s that no one be embarrassed by her revelations. The final scent of hers might have been the pride and dignity of the true geisha.
Memoirs of a Geisha, Wikipedia

Yasaka Shrined that is called upon ‘Gion San’ is the symbol of the Gion district. And the city of Kyoto is designed this ‘Gion San’ overlooking the downtown area one way straight.
In the premises, you could listen to Japanese flutes practicing. It was somehow beautiful. Sounded that they haven’t finished up a piece and kept practicing. It was so lovely. And a god of good matching was enshrined as well and many gals were there to pray.

Kyoto is a ladylike city, I feel so every time I go visit. Beautiful, tender, and somehow soft. But not only that, it is hiding something in depth. People keep coming to find out the secret and get attracted even more and more. The mystery of the ancient capital of 1,200 years is still far beyond my comprehension.
Love and Peace.
「日本の古典をよむ⑧ 枕草子」校訂・訳者 松尾聰・永井和子、小学館、2007
「ココミル京都 関西①」編集人 田村知子、JTBパブリッシング、2020
‘MEMOIRS OF GEISHA’ Arthur Golden, Vintage, 1999