Hayao Miyazaki Analysis

Hayao Miyazaki, 宮崎駿, 現代日本学、スタジオジブリ, anime, Totoro, Modern Japanology, となりのトトロ、ラピュタ、トトロ、にほんご、アニメ

When writing about Japanese culture, especially modern one, it’s inevitable to mention anime movie director Hayao Miyazaki and his works that gave tremendous impacts in the world. You often come across his name on books about Japan written by people abroad. Miyazaki’s works are basic knowledge of modern Japanology, and I’ve been thinking it’s a must to write an article about him.



When I had manga lectures in university and junior college in Iceland in 2019, many of the students wrote they love Miyazaki anime on questionnaires, and one wrote that characters of Miyazaki’s works are wonderful role models as well as his attitude toward the environment. I assume people abroad imagine Japanese people through the characters of Miyazaki anime.


Same as many Japanese, I’ve watched most of Miyazaki anime, and my long time favorite work of Studio Ghibli is “My Neighbor Totoro“. I think I watched it more than 10 times. This time I rewatched Totoro and “Castle in the Sky” that I recorded when broadcasted on TV.



When carefully observing the quite charming characters, you come to notice some features; sincere attitude for living, strength and bravery, pure heart as a child, genuinely free sprit, warm-heartedness, and innocence that cries out loud and gets mad toward something unfair. And you relate yourself to the characters and tears come along.


I also watched NHK world documentary that followed director Miyazaki for 10 years. Share his words here.

宮崎監督を10年間追いかけたNHK worldも観ました。そこでの言葉を紹介します。

“When creating, you got to be honest. Get naked. Even entertainment movies, the person’s fundamental thoughts come out clearly. Children notice it. They don’t live by logics.”


“The person’s thoughts come out even trying not to show. When hiding and creating, tit for tat comes to the person only. Tit for tat for not making honestly. And the damage comes, and you can’t make anymore pictures.”


“Something I never want to do, I never want to do something shameful. I don’t want to make shameful works.”


“(in the movie) get up and fold futon (make a bed) right after and the character becomes distinctive. That shows s/he was raised in a good family. Fold neatly. Changing clothes and fold futon and pajamas neatly.”


“Technically what can you create (pushing yourself) to nose bleeding? Many of us can’t create anything. Most of us can’t create anything.”


“Now is the time hard to create fantasy. It counts what you create when everyone thinks that’s it. What can I make at a time like this?”


The words of Miyazaki, he denies flashy techniques and eliminates all the vanities, and he is creating anime with sincere honesty not making any compromises. The reason why Miyazaki anime is widely and deeply loved in the world was found in the director’s working philosophy. It is just so universal, genuine, and one of a kind.


I perfectly understand that it’s too presumptuous to compare my work with Miyazaki’s. However, no matter how long it takes, and no matter how painstaking, I also never ever want to make something shameful. It’s such a big blessing to have a wonderful role model like Miyazaki in Japan.


Love and Peace to the world.


*You can download Studio Ghibli free pictures from here.


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