Rain, Rain, Hydrangea

梅雨、rainy season in Japan, 紫陽花、hydrangea, ジャパノグラフィー®️、学術、独創性、 manga, 漫画、刈谷仁美、小倉、門司、Kita Kyushu

It’s in the middle of rainy season in Japan. So muggy and uncomfortable, feel gloomy at times. However, it’s delightful to walk in the rain. Seeing lovely hydrangeas with dew drops. Same as every year, I was taking a walk and taking a picture whenever coming across charming hydrangeas, talking to them “How Kawaii you are!”


The Art of Flower Arrangement is the art of time. We appreciate not only full bloom state, yet withered ones and wild flowers become materials as well. A monk essayist Kenko (1283- 1352) wrote “Are we to look at cherry blossoms only in full bloom, the moon only when it is cloudless?” in ‘Essays in Idleness’.

花道は時間芸術であり、咲き誇る花ばかりでなく、枯れた花や野の草花も花材になると聞いた。そして兼好法師 (1283-1352) が綴った徒然草には「花は盛りに、月は隈なきをのみ、見るものかは。」という言葉がある。

I like rainy atmosphere. And enjoy driving looking up forest full of fresh green absorbing much water after rain. And life is about yin and yang, it happens both positive and negative matters. I keep learning new things every day.


I came to experience the darkness of educational industry for the first time, though I’ve been teaching nearly 30 years since 18. I knew those malady as common sense, but when actually happened, I just had an option to run away. I’ve always been a super positive teacher saying “learning English is sheer joy, so let’s work out together!” However, I was unaware that I was so naive.


Even though, I still believe the main goal of learning is to improve oneself. If keep focusing to excel others, the learning becomes heavy obligation. It is true to the world of academia also.


A bit too extreme, yet someone who is good at studying or researching is one trait of character. There is no superior nor inferior. If learning is your cup of tea, it’s good to enjoy studying. Good educational background is just one evidence that the person has aptitude for studying.


To be more precise, in the academic world, someone who is dealing with genuinely original research is minority. It is more true in the Humanities. What is critically problematic is that the darkness of researchers who deny and smash up genuine originality with all their might is rampant in the academia, especially in Japan. Despite the fact that academicians are destined to pursue originality as prime value.


And the tendency is seriously dense if the place is the supreme authority. However, I strongly believe the true value of Japanography is truly judged by the society, not those few researchers who never admit my originality. However, what I’m experiencing is nothing new, it is the path that predecessors who invented something completely new and asked the world went through.


I was having a second thought if I should write it here, however it is a path inevitable to go through, therefore I keep the record publicly. And looking back the journey of establishing Japanography, I experienced similar situation countless times.


Speaking of originality, creativity of manga artist is so fresh and liberated. Reading along is sheerly interesting. When going through a tunnel in Kokura, Kitakyushu, I was glued to manga on the wall by Karitani Hitomi ‘stories of petit a week immigration in Kitakyushu’. Continued reading on the net.


Kokura and Moji of Kitakyushu, the area I know much about was depicted and the nostalgic manga taste was so amusing. Kitakyushu city hosted the manga artist to make manga series after actually let her stay in the city. The project was upright.


Words and pictures and manga are all alive. They have miraculous working to reflect the writer’s mind. You read manga and find it intriguing since the manga artist is emitting brain hormone too fun to stop, afflicting and suffering at the same time. I admire such manga artist spirit, and I want to keep up creating Japanography.


Love and Peace.

参考文献: ‘Essays in Idleness The Tsurezuregusa of Kenko’ translated by Donald Keene, TUTTLE publishing, Copyright ©︎ 1967 Colombia University Press

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