The Pillow Book Analysis

枕草子、清少納言、The Pillow Book, Lady Sei Shonagon, Japanese classical literature, 平安文学、アーサー・ウェイリー、誤訳、手作りご飯、お家ごはん

Today, I’d like to write about an analysis of ‘The Pillow Book’ which is the source of inspiration of Japanography. Sharing ‘enchanting’ everyday cooking photos together. ‘The Pillow Book’ is the origin of essay compilations written about 1,000 years ago, one of the most prominent classical literature Japan treasures and it is worldly renowned masterpiece. Yet, it has been inevitably and ceaselessly facing with the fate of mistranslations when crossing over the ocean.


It was once categorized as pornography associated with the title of pillow. Or some introduced pillow came from a wooden pillow with a drawer keeping notes or a diary. Arthur Waley (1889-1966), English scholar of the Oriental Studies accomplished significant achievement having abridged translation of ‘The Tale of Genji’ and ‘The Pillow Book’, introducing Japanese classical literature to the world. However, there’s a fatal mistake. The book cover states Lady Sei Shonagon as a courtesan.

枕から連想される猥雑本の類のものであるという発想があったり、『枕草子』は文や日記をしまう引き出し付きの高枕から由来している、という紹介のされ方をしていたりします。イギリス人の東洋学者であったアーサー・ウェイリー (1889-1966) は、『源氏物語』および『枕草子』の抄訳をして、世界に日本の古典を紹介するという偉業を成し遂げましたが、その本の表紙には致命的な間違いがあり、筆者の清少納言は高級遊女だと記されてしまっています。

*When Lady Sei Shongaon was presented precious paper from Empress Teishi, Lady Sei suggested using it for a pillow (having a poetic epithet) with a sense of humor, origin of the title of ‘The Pillow Book’. /『枕草子』の由来は当時高級品だった紙を中宮定子より賜ったときに、「枕にかせむ」と枕と枕詞を掛けた清少納言の才智が『枕草子』の由来

Lady Sei Shonagon was a court lady, a few of chosen elite bureaucrat hired to educate Empress Teishi who was loved most tenderly by the Emperor. Lady Sei’s duty was not high class prostitute nor concubine who served nights accompanying with Emperor. Lady Sei attended Cultural Salon that Empress Teishi hosted, and Lady Sei carried out a mission of recording the sparkling and twinkling moments dedicating herself with the gift of writing.


However, Lady Sei actually took up writing ‘The Pillow Book’ after Empress Teishi started to lose the position along with family downfall. If Lady Sei hadn’t left records of the time spent with Empress Teishi, the miraculously glowing days would have been lost eternally as time went by, vainly turning into water bubbles.


Lady Sei desired to protect Empress, and by using her giftedness she sublimated the love for Empress into the first crop of Essay Literature. In order to carve in people’s memory, she poured out all her intelligence, aesthetics, and sense of humor to record episodes of Cultural Salon. For the very opportunity, she adopted the attitude of ‘enchanting’.


It’s no doubt that Lady Sei was blessed with high spirit and unshakable determination. Not only that, she contemplated the meaning of life and the overwhelming honor to serve for Empress, then she made an unyielding resolution after witnessing the decline of Empress Teishi. Who else could write if not by her own? And Lady Sei completed writing ‘The Pillow Book’ by spotting enchanting light, never allowing herself to tuck in tears, sorrow, nor self-pity.


In ‘The Pillow Book’ chapter 280, bright and brilliant Empress Teishi asked Lady Sei with a riddle based on Chinese Classical Literature, Lady Sei got the answer straightaway and responded with stunning esprit. How rejoicing and enticing to spend such exquisite intellectual moments with Empress Teishi. And Lady Sei not only embracing them as her own precious jewels, yet by writing she had conviction to carve in people’s mind as historical episodes.


You can never exceed yourself no matter how further nor how diligently you dig in. Even one has luminous amazing talent, it will sure to end as an abortive flower if just reflecting upon oneself. Each one of us can excel ourself to demonstrate outstanding performance, focusing on not yourself but for someone else, or putting yourself in a broader context.


Bring light to the work of Lady Sei Shonagon, there’s hidden encouragement and wisdom that we are able to create a gem of beauty that stands out with undying luminous shine, by accepting intolerable destiny and exceeding over with.


Love and Peace.

‘The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon THE DIARY OF A COURTESAN IN TENTH CENTURY JAPAN’ translated by Arthur Waley, with a foreword by Dennis Washburn, TUTLE Publishing, 2011
『日本の古典をよむ⑧ 枕草子』松尾聰・永井和子、小学館、2007年

Photography, Japanography

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