It’s enchanting to pay a visit to world heritage sites. Either in Japan or abroad, traveling around to see UNESCO world heritage is so rejoicing. The heritages are valuable treasures for mankind in the context of the world history. And the act of actually visiting the spots, feeling the air, and witnessing with your own eyes is a genuinely splendid experience. You are just a dot in the everlasting history, but the dot connects with various elements of the globe and you recognize that you are in the time zone of the history from the past to present. The thought intoxicates me.

In one sense, to win UNESCO world heritage authorization is a decades of long process of surveying and giving meanings to vanishing stories in the oblivion. The researchers must pay careful attention to each stories, and the stories need to interact one another. I would say it is as if getting organized the history in a book neatly. And it’s like opening the book with your hands and reading it by visiting the site. It is sheerly a prime moment.

This time, we visited Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine in Shimane prefecture. Iwami Silver Mine was discovered its value by a merchant of Hakata in 1526, and it had been mined until 1923 for about 400 years. It is a prominent mine ruins of the world. In 16th century at the Age of Discovery, Iwami Silver Mine was the only silver mine known to Europeans. From mid 16th century to early 17th century, one third production of silver of the world was from Iwami. You can identify that Iwami Silver Mine of Japan was written in a map made in Europe in those days. ( I believe I saw this map at The British Library in London. )

In 16th century, high quality silver produced in Iwami reached to Portugal and Francisco de Xavier made an expedition voyage to Japan seeking for Japanese silver. In history textbooks, we Japanese learn Xavier came to Japan to preach Christianity, however the purpose was not the only one. It’s more rational to assume that he headed for far-away Zipangu with various strategies and missions at hand.
Ohda city Ohmori of Shimane prefecture where Iwami Silver Mine is located is a small village of 400 people, but it was a prosperous city with more than 40,000 people in its peak. Now the village is a hidden treasure. Surrounded with tranquility, miraculously preserved as it were. And everyday life goes on ceaselessly.

You can enjoy trekking for 3 hours with a tour guide for 500 yen (English guide is also available). The lecture given by the guide was so interesting and I was able to ask many questions. You can deepen knowledge of Japanese history and the accumulations of wisdom was so interesting to know.

I learned that in order to mine, boys around 15 years old went in to the silver mine from small caves called Mabu. Silver was so expensive that the village was very rich, but it was said “once you go in to the mountain it will be only ten more years to live”. So many youngsters lost their lives since it was a severely dangerous job. The boy miners were cherished and they were celebrated gorgeously with sea bream fish and red bean rice when they were able to become 30 years old.

I also went into the dark silver mine path and experienced and learned how the mining was actually carried out.

In the village, you come across shrines, temples, and jizo; the guardian deity of children here and there. It is for prayer for safety and soothing the lost souls. Also there are remains of temples and shrines. So scenic and picturesque, you can witness and imagine the dramas of the long history.

At Iwami Silver Mine, all the proceeders from mining to refining were done by hands with small sized business, and there existed plenty of them. It enabled to carry on mass production of high quality silver. Thanks to this system, natural environment was changed minimally and the mining development was sustainable. While logging the forest, they kept on planting tress, and the planning was meticulously well organized. The point was evaluated by ICOMOS that gives acknowledgement of UENSCO world heritage.

In the War States Period of Japan from late 15th century to late 16th century, Mori Motonari and Toyotomi Hideyoshi cooperated Iwami Silver Mine together. In Edo period, Tokugawa Ieyasu possessed it. The silver mine played such a meaningful role in Japanese history. I was attentively listening to the explanation of the guide in the rain, and when I looked up, Sahime Mountain Shrine was overlooking me. The stone steps slightly uneven were so alluring. It was as if a creature of hundreds years old was still breathing silently….

Visiting UNESCO world heritage site and felt the air and learned the everlasting history was truly one of a kind. I was able to make a trip, all the way to Iwami Silver Mine. So thankful.
To be continued. Next article is “Foodie Journey to Shimane” you can enjoy the delicious flip side of Shimane prefecture.
次の記事は “Foodie Journey to Shimane 島根食紀行”を予定しています。島根の美味しいグルメをご紹介するので、乞うご期待!
参考文献:シリーズ「遺跡を学ぶ」 090 銀鉱山王国 石見銀山 遠藤浩巳 新泉社