<Hagi Reverberatory Furnace Remains 萩反射炉跡>
I’d like to write about modern history of Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu opened Edo castle in 1603, since then peaceful and affluent Edo period (1603~1868) flourished for more than 200 years. In those days Japan conducted national isolation policy and international relations were cut off. Nagasaki Dejima was the only exception. And in 1853 American Navy commodore Perry came to Uraga port by combined fleet of black ships. Perry forced Japan to open the country fiercely and Tokugawa Shogunate gave in to the outer pressure. The door of Japan to outside was opened forcibly.
Tokugawa Ieyasu 徳川家康

During the transition period from Edo (1603~1868) to modern Meiji (1868~1912) called Bakumatsu, large numbers of bloody fights were unfolded. Technically it was washing blood with blood. The battles between “ancient-value-supporters-honoring-emperor-while-rejecting-foreigners” versus “opening-the-country-supporters-willing-to-learn-from-the-West” were filled with drastic incidents. The theme is still very often featured in dramas, movies, and books. I learned this period by reading manga series of Sakamoto Ryoma. The end of Samurai and the climax of Bushido were there.
江戸 (1603~1868) から明治 (1868~1912) に移行する時代の幕末には、日本国内では文字通り血で血を洗う戦いが繰り広げられた。古くからの尊皇攘夷の価値観(天皇の権威を絶対的なものとし、開国を迫る外国人を排斥する思想)と、西欧列強より学ぶべしとする開国派との戦いは、数多くの劇的な事件に満ちており、今でもよくドラマや映画や本の題材となっている。私はこの時代のことを漫画「お〜い!竜馬」(武田鉄矢原作、小山ゆう作画)で読んだ。侍の終焉と武士道精神の極まりがそこにはある。
In order to write this article of Japanese modern history, we visited Hagi Yamaguchi, the Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution that is UNESCO world heritage last year. I wanted to grasp the whole image of the period from Edo national isolation policy to Meiji Industrial Revolution that brought westernization to Japan. I wanted to learn the vast context and the footsteps of Japanese history.
Ebisugahana Shipyard Remains 恵美須ヶ鼻造船所跡

Hagi Castle Remains 萩城址

Remains of shipbuilding yards, steel plants, Shokasonjuku Academy that fostered key figures in the Meiji Restoration, iron mines, coal mines, reverberatory furnace, and etc, 23 component assets are recognized as one UNESCO world heritage that are crossing over 8 prefectures centering Kyushu and Yamaguchi. Especially, one of the most charismatic leaders, Yoshida Shoin who started Shokasonjuku Academy and had tragic death is enshrined and worshiped at Shoin Shrine.
Shokasonjuku Academy 松下村塾

Shoin Shrine 松陰神社

Yoshida Shoin 吉田松陰

In the time of mid 19th century called Bakumatsu, the Great Western Powers forced Japan to open up the country with massive military strength. To resist the outer pressure Japan enforced itself to build up modern nation, it is the pivotal point of the rise of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution. It is the period of enhancing wealthy-country-and-strong-army that students learn in history class in junior high school and high school in Japan.
Japan is the first non-Western country that succeeded in industrialization with determination within only half a century and came to be recognized as a modernized nation in the world. However, as soon as Japan stood the same line with the Great Western Powers, it came to develop negative heritage by proceeding colonization policies forcefully and invading in China, Taiwan, Korea, and South East Asia. Dreadful World WarⅠand Ⅱwere awaited ahead.
Kaneko Mitsuharu (1895~1975) wrote travelogues of South East Asia as he wandered around witnessing and observing the influence of Japan to the regions in those days. The book is worth reading.
金子光晴 (1895~1975) が著した「マレー蘭印紀行」は、放浪する文芸作家の目から見た、当時の南方における日本の影響力を間近に観察したものとして、興味深い書物である。
It sure is something delightful that Japan enforced its national power and did’t become a colony of the West. However, when looking back the immense influence of Japan to Asian countries that is still powerful, the sway of the world history and international relations from Meiji period are deeply carved in. History is interesting and exciting, but at the same time history is cruel and savage. By all the reasons, we must humbly learn from the history.
Love and Peace to the world.
*「お〜い!竜馬」全23巻 原作 武田鉄矢 作画 小山ゆう 発行所 小学館
*「勝海舟と明治維新」 発行所 株式会社 学習研究社
*「世界遺産登録記念 明治日本の産業革命遺産」発行所 株式会社笠倉出版社
*「マレー蘭印紀行」 著者 金子光晴 発行所 中央公論新社
*世界遺産 明治日本の産業革命遺産 製鉄・鉄鋼、造船、石炭産業 (冊子)
発行 「明治日本の産業革命遺産」世界遺産協議会