Hello. How are you doing? Today I want to write about Le Corbusier. I read Corbusier was raised in a home where classical music was always played. Music and mathematics are like siblings as they both share the rule of permutations and combinations, and architecture is based on mathematics combining structures and all the balance beautifully and functionally. Therefore, I respect Corbusier’s brilliant and extraordinary mathematical intelligence from the bottom of my heart.
I imagine melodies and rhythms of some kind whenever I see his works. So there is no doubt that some sort of music was going on in his mind always. Not only architecture, but also paintings or wall paintings he created influenced by cubism share the same one of a kind music.
I traveled to Germany for the very first time, and paid a visit to Weißenhofsiedlung in Stuttgart that became UNESCO world heritage together with The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo Japan. The architecture was standing at the hill of Stuttgart. And seeing is believing. I could understand why so many architecture lovers get so passionate about Le Corbusier and his works.

To tell the truth, the first impression I got was nothing special. I felt it was so usual and ordinary, as I was traveling along and so touched by traditional German architecture and housings that were preserved beautifully for hundreds of years. But some days later, I came to recognize that this “not special at all” impression Corbusier gave me was the secret of his greatness. He suggested the idea to live collectively, and he transformed architecture from that of kings and aristocrats to middle class. Corbusier advocated Five Points of Architecture (pilotis, roof garden, open floor plan, long strips of ribbon windows, and free facade) and the idea spread literally all over the world and got universal. And nowadays nobody pay any attention. He is the pioneer who changed the landscape of the world.

We can see buildings with long strips of ribbon windows everywhere in the world. But if there were not Corbusier, they wouldn’t exist. Standard is born from a person who creates the standard. There is no standard if nobody produces it. Le Corbusier made trial and errors all through his life and he plowed through his way by learning from the mistakes. And the melodies and the rhythms of music that Le Corbusier composed from his architectural approach is still echoing all around the world even today.
That’s all for today. Blessings to each one of you!