Seeking for glimpses of aristocrats in Heiana era (from late 8th century to late 12th century), I visited mountain area of Kyoto; Arashiyama and Sagano. From downtown Kyoto, I took a subway and a tram. The tram went through residential area and the landscape gradually got peace and quiet. And while going up the foot of Arashiyama mountain, traveler’s sentiment got filled up.
But at the final destination of Arashiyama station, I noticed the atmosphere was nothing but a busy tourist site. I was slightly disappointed since it was just like all other tourist landmarks around the world.
Unconsciously, I was looking for a little melancholic and poetic atmosphere. I was looking for something a little sad and touching, maybe expecting lonesome feelings. Wondered if anyone who comes to Arashiyama and Sagano seeking for the world of the court literature feel the same. Even though, by stepping in further I was able to find glimpses of the ancient times here and there. Certainly, the place where many of classical literature masterpieces were written is sheerly a treasure of Japan.

Walked along Ohi river where Heian era aristocrats enjoyed riding on a boat. The shade of greenery was so soothing. In 926 Emeritus Udain, father of Emperor Daigo had a sightseeing cruise. The colored maple leaves of Ogura mountain were stunning. His majesty wished to show the sight to his honored son. That time, one of the vassals Fujiwarano Tadahira promptly made a poem, as if calling to the maple leaves in front of them.
Ogura mountain
Colored maple leaves of the peak
If you have a heart
Wait until the Emperor to come
Just one more time
From Hyakunin Isshu; classical Japanese anthology of one hundred waka poems by one hundred poets compiled in around 1235.

When going along the river, there was nobody around. I was absorbed in sentiment in the tranquility and thinking about noble people playing in the water in Heian era more than 1,000 years ago. Water, greenery, light, and shade are mingled together and it induces the Japanese beauty.
For about an hour I was walking, then went back to the station area. School excursion junior high or high school kids, not only girls but boys and even teachers were also wearing summer kimono and walking around. So adorable. In historical places like Kyoto or Asakusa, people love the new trend of wearing kimono or summer kimono and enjoy sightseeing. Each one of us enjoy the history richly with our own style.

Then I visited Tenryuji Temple that is UNESCO world heritage site. Lotus leaves welcomed me. I could see some flowers as well. This temple was established in 1339 by Ashikaga Takauji in order to enshrine and dedicate condolence to the spirit of Emperor Godaigo.

Daruma picture.

This magnificent Sougenchi pond garden with the surrounding scenery of Arashiyama mountain and Kameyama mountain is the first garden of Japan designated as Special Place of Scenic Beauty. Sat on tatami mat and wooden hall way, I was appreciating the view for a while. It was relaxing and peaceful time all alone.

Walking in the Tenryuji temple building was so classy, the aroma of old woods was so chic. After spending some time inside, walked in the garden next. Hydrangeas were blooming gracefully. It is the symbol of rainy season in Japan. Reminded me of a lovely sight when in kindergarten, grandmother cut hydrangeas in the garden and she let me bring them to the kindergarten saying “Ask your teacher to decorate in the classroom.”

Tenryuji Temple garden was leading to a bamboo path.

This soothing and refreshing atmosphere surrounded by the greenery is perfect for writing with peace and quiet. Poet Fujiwarano Teika compiled Hyakunin Isshu anthology, one hundred poems by one hundred poets in a mountain cottage under the foot of Ogura mountain. And Lady Murasaki chose Nonomiya as a sad parting stage in The Tale of Genji. Thinking of those splendid literary works were born here, I could sense as if the spirits of the Heian era aristocrat writers who treasured love, elegance, and sentiment more than anything were still hiding in the bamboo forest.
*Read for my blog article of Hyakunin Isshu poem anthology.
Ancient Love Hyakunin Isshu
*Read for my blog article of The Tale of Genji.
Love Affairs in The Tale of Genji
This Nonomiya Shrine is written in The Tale of Genji. Hikaru Genji and Rokujono Miyasunndokoro spent an unforgettable night together and experienced a parting the following day, the shrine is famous for good matching.

Many kinds of good luck charm for good matching were sold.

Needless to say, good matching is the crucial matter for all girls. Heian era aristocrats and we 1,200 years later, what we all wish for hasn’t changed at all. I was walking around Arashiyama and Sagano in Kyoto, the special sentiment was there.
Love and Peace…