Shinjuku Night Walk

Shinjuku, Tokyo, Shinohkubo, 新宿、東京、新大久保、Tokyo night, 魔都、 Tokyo Korea town、東京のコリアタウン、KPOP, 韓流スター、K-stars

Journal of Shinjuku & Shinohkubo Night Walk. Regarding studies of Japanograohy, I visited Tokyo again to attend seminar of the graduate school and strolled around the night city of Shinjuku first time in decades.


*About Japanography/ ジャパノグラフィーについて
New Japanography
Japanography to the world!

Accompanied with very good friend of mine since 18 when entered university in Tokyo, we chat and walk and chat and walk. From the silliest jokes to sadness of life we shared. Even though, we appreciate each other for caring one another, saying it’s nothing but a miracle. Our topic jumped to various issues, and bursted out laughter. To live along means embracing sentiment, we are old enough to know that. But life must go on, we talk.


Devilish metropolis, Tokyo. The devious aspect of Tokyo and the dazzling speed intoxicate you. So stylish and state of the art, there’re full of foreigners, creativity is sparkling, and the glittering flow is overwhelming. You see all sorts of crazy people, and the movie shown in the Yamanote line is flipping through in a mad speed. The whole energy of stimulation is remarkably high compared with any other metropolis in the world.


City planning of Seoul was done copying Tokyo, and New York was made after London. Therefore, you have deja vu when walking in Tokyo as if walking in Seoul, and London reminds you of New York. Overlooking the modern history, the scars of Imperial Colonial Policy are still seen, and the later time energy mingling all sorts of things turned into nutrition, and the history unfolds in each place.


When in university, I used to work as a volunteer tour guide interpreter and one time showed around the city for a university student from Seoul. She said Tokyo and Seoul are so similar. It is definitely so, Shinjuku and Myondon look like twins.


And we walked to neighboring Shinohkubo that is a Korea Town. I was into learning Korean some time ago, and visited Seoul with this friend. So we got excited reminiscing the trip and chit chat like college kids and went around shops.


K-POP stars sing and dance luminously reflecting upon spotlights. They go through rigorous training period for years since elementary school, and they must have plastic surgery crushing jaws or bones if they have unbalanced flaws. And many of them experience fierce internet bullying. Suicidal rate is high in the entertainment industry, intensified light and the flip side darkness of thick black sticky tar.


“You’ll never be admitted if not perfect. You’re worthless if you are imperfect.” K-POP stars are obliged to burden such message, and it is so sad. Life or death, perfect all mighty victory or devastating loss. Facing either choice only is so sad. And there is no one who can beat such battles. But the phenomenon is not only prevailing in Korea, the US and Japan and other countries could be the same to some extent.


The harm of lookism is the harsh reality not only in the entertainment industry, but for all of us exposed to floods of information on SNS. It is the ultimate sorrowful illusory game that no one wins.


“You are beautiful just the way you are. Having flaws and a bit peculiar, but because of that you have your own charms.” All of us are hungry for this message, it is the same for you and me.


Bought Korean seasoned dried laver. I got this lip oil after registered to LINE. I like the slightly sweet aroma, I don’t put on lipstick lately and putting this lip oil a lot.


When you are in Tokyo, novel things happen one after another form this second to the next. And you must cope with new information then end up using all the brain function. So space for pondering or freedom to deepen your creativity to fly high is getting scarce.


Regarding academic acts and creativity, you won’t be able to open the door of so-called Flow if brain is not in the state of relaxation. So for me, it is good to have studies and creative acts in the countryside alone, and go to Tokyo from time to time to catch the trend. Walking in Tokyo, and feel dizzy and exhilarated, and I came to the conclusion that when facing with my own project, I must be in tranquil environment and focus on the subject then dig in deeper and deeper to reach out one and only rich coal mine.


I desire to accomplish something truly worthy. By doing so I want to write hope. By holding such thoughts I’m tackling on Japanography.


Love and Peace…

Black Jack Exhibit

Mintpedia & fashion education

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