Army Doctor and Literature

森鴎外、明治の知識人、Mori Ohgai, 日本近代文学、Japanese modern literature, 文学大好き、津和野、バイリンガル、Japan blog, learn Japanese

<Took a picture if front of the statue of Mori Ohgai with a big smile. 森鴎外の胸像の前で記念撮影、満面の笑みで。>

One summer day, we visited Tsuwano, Shimane prefecture. Main purpose of the visit was to go to Mori Ohgai literary museum and the old residence. Make a trip to historical and literary places is the highlight and most joyful experience of this blog project. Contemplating over historical tides and spirit of great figures, and thinking about traces and carvings that they made onto this country and the world is one of the biggest amusement for history lovers.


Mori Ohgai Wikipdedia
森鴎外 ウィキペディア

Mori Ohgai and Natsume Soseki are the two great literary men, two outstanding intellectual figures in the Meiji era (1868~1912) Japan.


Please have a read of the blog article of Natsume Soseki.
Soseki and London

Mori Ohgai, real name; Mori Rintaro studied in Germany as an army doctor. He was praised as a prodigy and contributed to Westernization and Modernization in Meiji era Japan with extraordinary linguistic talent. Not only that, as an army doctor he wrote about his complex inner conflict and established his literature with tough determination.


(Interior of the old residence of Ohgai that he spent in childhood, reconstructed in a new location. 鴎外が幼少期を過ごしたとされる旧宅の内観、移築されたもの)

According to a book album about Ohgai’s life, “Ohgai gave massive impact on young people in the days by expressing modern Western poetic atmosphere with artistic aroma in the refined classical Japanese writing. ” This time I reread “Maihime; Dancing Princess” and read “vita sexualis; sexual life ” and his literary album that bought in the museum. He was fluent in German, English, French, Latin, and Sanskrit also. There yields gigantic intellect, and in his words huge pride that never let others compete is floating here and there.

「新潮日本文学アルバム 森鴎外」によると、「西洋の近代詩の面影を芸術的香気の高い典雅な日本語で表出するというこころみは、時代の若い人々に強烈な影響を与えた。」とある。今回、「舞姫」を読み返し、「ヰタ・セクスアリス」と「新潮文学アルバム 森鴎外」も記念館で購入して読んでみた。ドイツ語、フランス語、英語、ラテン語、そしてサンスクリットにも通暁している文章には、巨大な知性が宿っているし、鴎外の文語体の文章は、他の追随を一切赦さない、傲岸不遜とも言える誇りがそこかしこに漂っている。

And in my interpretation, the hyper-productive brilliant guy proved his magnificence by never wasting a moment in life. He was a severely macho guy who followed own meticulous plans through and through.


Some time ago, I analyzed Natusme Soseki and Mori Ohgai comparing one another.


Natsume Soseki possessed a knotty and imaginative labyrinth inside and Mori Ohgai had a map of crystal clear clarity in him. Soseki studied in London and spent days of gloom and depression, eventually he was on the verge of mental breakdown that “Natsume got insane” . On the other hand, Ohgai proved his excellence having disputes with the local scholar by using his outstanding German from the day he arrived at Germany. In his book, Ohgai wrote that he received huge jealousy countless times. All along, he was studying Hygiene as an army doctor, staying in Germany for about 3 years.


However, what interests me the most is that Ohgai was stimulated and challenged by the literature of Soseki immensely and Ohgai could not help but prove his literary talent. Ohgai’s rival at heart was Soseki.

しかし、一番面白いことは、鴎外は漱石の文学に大いに刺激触発され、<技癢(ぎよう)を感じ> 自らの文学的才能を証明せずには居られなくなったことなのだ。鴎外の心のライバルは漱石だったのだ。

But among all, what distinguished Ohgai from others is that he experienced a sad love romance with a beautiful dancer while studying in Germany, later on he sublimated the tragic incident into a work titled “Maihime; Dancing Princess” . The love had a sorrowful ending, but Ohgai started his writer career transforming the scars into literature. And he kept writing vigorously and did a lot of translation works as well. After he finished working as an army doctor in the daytime, he never had a day that he didn’t write anything at desk at night util he passed away.


(Brought a book of Ohgai that I read in high school, written in classical Japanese. The book of almost 30 years ago became spotty, 320 yen. 高校生の頃に読んだ、文語体で書かれた鴎外の著書をしのばせて行った。三十年近く前の文庫は、シミだらけになっていた。定価320円とある。)

In a few words Ohgai can be described as “an absolute iron intellectual” that never showed weakness. And maybe that’s why I’m not attracted. I once read that “you fall in love with someone’s flaw”, and I agree with that. Ohgai succeeded to gain everything one can desire; intellect, honor, fame, thriving family, prestige, position, admiration, wealth, and influence to the future generations, without going through a single collapse. However, I never get attracted to this guy as a person.


You fall in love when experienced feeling of “being touched the heartstrings, echoing one another” as a deep personal working. So it can be interesting that someone’s flaw and weakness can be the biggest charm of the person. Ohgai might have proved it paradoxically.


Left the Ohgai literary museum, walked in the scorching heat for quite a while and arrived at Tsuwano Catholic Church.


Church with tatami mats to sit on directly is rare even in Japan. This is a small church, but has history of Christian persecutions. It was wrapped with the atmosphere of genuine prayers that I also sensed in Kölner Dom in Germany; Cologne Cathedral that is UNESCO world heritage site. Pondering over something bigger than oneself, and the heart that dedicates prayers for something eternal.


Love and Peace. Blessings to you all.


「新潮日本文学アルバム1 森鴎外」新潮社、1985年

Peace Message in August

Tsuwano History Walk

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