Aftermath of Corona pandemic is very serious and Japanese economy is also suffering from the devastating damage. Especially tourism industry is facing with severe situations, meanwhile the government is supporting them with a new policy called “Go to Campaign”. If you travel around Japan, you will get some discount, and it is promoted to go domestic travels.
世界的なコロナ大流行により、日本の経済にも深刻な悪影響が広がりました。観光業の痛手は大変厳しいものがありますが、政府の打ち出した”Go to キャンペーン”を利用して、熊本まで家族旅行に行ってきました。この通称 ”Go to” は日本国内旅行が推進され、旅費が割引になるというものです。
The first picture was taken at the summit area of Mt. Aso, called Daikanboh. The view form the top was so scenic, the pampas grasses were the color of autumn, the lovers were chuckling, and the sunny late afternoon was so peaceful. Most people were wearing a mask but I’m so grateful that we can travel around.
On the way, we dropped at Shirakawa water spring. You can bring back the spring water scooping with a dipper.

From the ancient times, we Japan have worship for nature aka animism. There is a shrine and tori at Shirakawa water spring as well. Generally speaking, you’ll come across temples or shrines at historical and traditional spots in Japan. This is more of belief, it is rather our Japanese spirit of appreciation and humbleness toward something bigger.

Kumamoto is famous for red cows pasturing at Mt. Aso. At lunch time, we were served the roast beef bowl and the vegetable soup. It was so surprisingly delicious that we all shouted up saying “tasty!!!”

We stayed at this resort villa, named Daishizen Aso Kenkoh no Mori. The backside view of Mt. Aso was so dynamic and each room was like a Mongolian Gher. Every one of them was so adorable and humorous in a sense. In the early morning, there was mist at the foot of the mountains. Surrounded with the sea of clouds.
旅のお宿には大自然阿蘇 健康の森を利用しました。阿蘇山を借景とし、モンゴルのゲルの様に一部屋ごとに建てられたお部屋は愛らしく、何処かしら可笑しみもあります。朝には霧が出て、山並みは雲海に包まれていました。

At the resort venue, we tried “doctor kiss fish” that the tiny fish eat up old keratin of yours. You feel like you’re having an electric treatment. My niece who experienced it for the very first time was so excited!

Said good buy to the resort and we went for a drive seeing the spectacular sight of Mt. Aso. We talked over our good old memories of childhood travels, and remembered that we met our neighbor when traveling around Kirishima, Kagoshima. It was such a funny memory that we laughed so hard.

We rode a trolley train remodeled from old Kokutetus freight train.

The view from the train was unfolded amazingly and every second was incredible, I thought it was such a pity that it didn’t last long.

The trip to Kumamoto was one night two days. We were blessed with the beautiful weather and able to share fruitful time together. Memories of childhood and topics of our beloved relatives were so dear and nostalgic to us. Family is just so good, once again I come to recognize. Now we’re under pandemic and facing with various trials. But please cherish your family that they are always there for you. Never take it for granted since your family’s warm vibration is so valuable and you can’t buy one. It is literally a precious treasure. Count all the blessings you have!