Kitchen Knives, the Japanese Spirit

Hi there! Today’s topic is about Japanese traditional kitchen knives.When I got married, my mother bought me cooking knives at a local hardware store. See the pic. I can use them for the rest of my life, so they are quite expensive. The cooking knives are made by a smith in Osaka, Japan. I was so proud when I got them and I thought I would pass on the tradition to the future generation. As I want to use them for the rest of my life, I need to sharpen them up every few months. With a brick like stone on the right, I sharpen each of the cooking knife. When sharpening, I need to calm down my soul and wet the brick like stone with water, thinking that SAMURAI must have sharpen their swords back in the days. I feel like my SAMURAI DNA from the ancestors is sparkling. Haha!


These days many of housewives don’t sharpen up cooking knives in the traditional way. They just use cheap sharpeners. But all the traditional Japanese cuisine chefs and Sushi chefs sharpen their cooking knives with the brick like stone. They treasure their cooking knives more than anything. And I believe this attitude is our good old Japanese philosophy. I don’t want to throw away such a beautiful tradition.


We all want to have a comfortable and convenient lifestyle. But if we only follow the easy way, we might end up missing something so precious. At last Japanese people come to recognize that we are living in a beautiful country, and we have COOL JAPAN culture. I want more Japanese people to be more proud of our traditional lifestyle. I want to cherish it and treasure it. We might be floating on the chaotic ocean, but I want to hold on to my Japanese identity firmly.

包丁は安いもので大丈夫。切れにくいならシャープナーでシャッシャッとすれば良い。と欧米化して来た日本人はそう考える人も多いけれど、やはり付け焼き刃は付け焼き刃。日本料理の板前さんや寿司屋の大将は、必ず自分で包丁を丁寧に大切に研いでいます。そしてそういう佇まいや精神性の中にこそ、日本人という民族が古来より守り通して来た真髄が宿っているのではないでしょうか。ズルや近道を潔しとせずに、直向きに精進してゆく心があるのだと。日々の暮らしは快適に便利に心地よくしたい。けれどその流れの中で、置き忘れて行き過ぎてしまうものも確かにあります。COOL JAPAN が唱えられ、日本はとても素敵な国だと日本人自身がやっと気付いたからこそ、伝統美にももっと目を向けて生活の中に積極的に取り入れて、宝物のように愛おしんでゆきたい。混沌とした日々に漂いながらも、しっかりと日本人としての根は下ろしていたい。私はそういう風に考えています。

That’s all for today. Have a lovely day and night!


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