Someday in Indonesia

I was talking with a friend of mine who is blessed with a remarkable gift of language, surprisingly she can write academic thesis in 4 languages. She said “Danish is a bonus language for me, since I lived in Denmark in my childhood.” The sound of bonus language is so enchanting. I wondered if I have one as I also love learning languages. And yes! I also possess a bonus language, that is Bahasa Indonesia; Indonesian.


I majored in Bahasa Malaysia; Malaysian in Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. And I mastered it to some extent with so much hardship. When I was 18, a freshman of university, I practiced to read aloud the words on the textbook half neurotically.


Japanese belongs to Altai language family same as Korean, so learning Korean through Japanese makes it easy. German belongs to Germanic language family same as English, so you ought to study German by using English. This is the fact that I found by spending many years to study languages. Therefore, I want to notify myself of long time ago, battling over with the unknown Bahasa Malaysia that is so different from Japanese or English. “It is inevitable that you experience such an agony. But only by going through the torturous path, you can obtain something really worthy.”


Mastering a new language means to have full of difficulties and pains. But if you can find joy in the process, someday you will come to be able to have good command of the language. No pain no gain. And while I was making efforts desperately, I received unexpected gift. It was Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia is an artificial language, rationally structured based upon Bahasa Malaysia (Bahasa Melayu). Therefore, if you can speak Bahasa Malaysia, it automatically means you can understand Bahasa Indonesia. Of course there are some differences, but it’s like a relation between British English and American English. Mutual understanding can be done smoothly.


The number of people who study Japanese is the 2nd largest in Indonesia in the world, next to China. And then I reminisce my good old days. When I was a freshman of university, becoming upside down confronting with Bahasa Malaysia, I lived in a girls dormitory. There was an exchange student from Indonesia dispatched by Ministry of Education of Japan. Her name was Rina and she was such a sweet girl. We hit it off and we visited each other’s room frequently.


One time, we went for a walk to a nearby park. She taught me shoes are sepatu and an umbrella is payung in Bahasa Indonesia. I still remember the day clearly. I wonder how Rina is doing by now. Did she go back to Indonesia and teaching Japanese? I wish I could see her again. Rina told me in Indonesia “SUKIYAKI” of Kyu Sakamoto is very popular. We used to sing along the song together, looking down the Shinjyuku metropolis night neons from the rooftop of the dormitory. Another time, she taught me a lullaby of Indonesia.

一度近くの公園に散歩に行き、靴は sepatu 傘は payung、とインドネシア語を教えたくれた日のことを、今もはっきりと覚えている。リナは今頃どうしているだろう。インドネシアに帰って日本語の先生になったかな。またいつか会えないかな。そんなことを時々思う。リナは坂本九の「上を向いて歩こう」(SUKIYAKI) が、インドネシアでは大人気だと教えてくれて、よく二人で一緒に歌っていた。新宿のネオン街の絶景を、学生会館の屋上から見下ろしながら。またある時、インドネシアの子守唄も教えてくれた。

Nina bobo oh Nina bobo, kalau tidak bobo digigit nyamuk

sleep Nina sleep Nina, if you don’t fall asleep mosquitos will bite you

ニーナおやすみ ニーナおやすみ ネンネしないと蚊に刺されちゃうよ

I googled on the internet and found out that the song was exactly sang with the melody Rina taught me, and it is a widely loved lullaby of Indonesia according to Indonesian Wikipedia. Now I recall Rina’s cute friendly eyes when she explained me the lyrics of ” if you don’t fall asleep mosquitos will bite you”


I want my blog be used as a teaching material for people who are learning Japanese all over the world. And I want to go visit many nations to have lectures of this blog. This is the big project of mine that I want to devote myself for the rest of my life. And someday, I want to go visit Indonesia to have lectures. I set up another big goal.


We were nobody but just girls back then, and after many years we got matured. And now I desire to contribute to the world as a teacher and a leader. How wonderful that is. And I do wish to see Rina again in Indonesia. In order to make my dreams come true, I must restudy Bahasa Indonesia. It’s so rejoicing that I can make efforts with new assignments. And life goes on with the joy and other numerous factors mingling and tangling all together.


Saya mau pergi ke Indonesia! Saya akan mengajar tentang Jepang di sana!

The world is still beautiful…

What’s your IKIGAI?

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