75 years after World War Ⅱ

I believe it’s my mission to record this article as a citizen of Japan, the only nation that experienced atomic bombs. This summer, 75 years have passed since the end of World War Ⅱ. Japan rose up from the devastating burnt fields after the war, and we went through high economic growth period. Now, we are thriving richly. Even though there are numerous issues, we keep good law and order, and our society is peaceful. Nowadays, many countries all over the world are longing for Japan.


We Japanese have a common symptom that is called “peace senile”. We share the symptom without noticing, however we must once again recognize how precious and worthy for being “peace senile”


After the war, Japan obey the Peace Constitution and promoted Peace Diplomacy as our principle. We urged Official Development Assistance, dispatched Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers, and gave much bigger amount of monetary donations compared with other countries to United Nations and International Organizations. We layered our efforts one by one to construct world peace and enhance development economically, technologically, and educationally, with good human resources. Thanks to the efforts, now that many people all over the globe are Japanophiles. This is the foundation of their love of Japan.


In elementary school, August 6th was a day to go to school in summer vacation. It is the Atomic Bomb Memorial Day that atomic bombs were dropped to Hiroshima. All students gathered up at the gym and had peace education. In junior high school I moved to Nagasaki and August 9th was a day to go to school, since 9th was the day atomic bombs have been dropped to Nagasaki. Victim of the war was invited to school, and we students listened to a talk of the tragedies. Afterwards we had to write essays regarding peace.


Was it necessary to attack with atomic bombs 2 times? Numerous Japanese would desire to ask America. However, the core of the issue will fade out if we only stick to the viewpoint as victims. On the other hand, the country of Japan invaded East Asia and South East Asia and conducted colonization policies. There are still unhealed scars. Nations called as the Great Powers of the world share some kind of similar history and the cruel actions that gave catastrophic damage are not completely mended yet.


The pictures are taken at Nagasaki Peace Park. I want to contribute for Peace Diplomacy. Not by military power, but by the cultural power, I desire to add up a beautiful flower to the ideology that Japan prompted for 75 years after the war.


Have you heard of 1,000 origami cranes of Japan? If you fold 1,000 cranes with prayer, the prayer will come true. It is a peace message of our heart. I use my own hands diligently and create my own origami cranes that will fly high. I pray for world peace and I pray I can work hard.


And there are already great numbers of people young and old who are already working hard somewhere I don’t know. The seeds each one of us plant are tiny, but we believe that they will grow into something big. I pray those peace workers be blessed abundantly, from the bottom of my heart.


With heartfelt prayer for world peace,,,


Japanese is in CRISIS!

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