Hi there! I’ve been promoting Cool Japan to the world for more than a year. And today, I want to share a story of luxurious dream train “Seven Stars” of JR Kyushu. It is supremely gorgeous sleeper train of Japan. I was so lucky to see it closely.
Japanese railway system technology is the number one in the whole world, and not only there are plenty of railway fans in the country, but also there are Japanese train lovers all over the world. Foreign fans are especially fond of bullet trains. But “Seven Stars”, the dream sleeper train is absolutely fantastic.

“Seven Stars” was produced targeting wealthy people, aka celebrities of the world. The cruise train runs around Kyushu island with the best of the best service one can image. It goes to hot springs, they serve superb cuisines, you can enjoy beautiful nature, and you can learn history of Japan also. For example, even a washstand of a restroom is made of Japan famous Arita pottery. And the most luxurious course would charge you a million yen.
「ななつ星」は世界中の富裕層セレブの中のセレブに的を絞って生み出された、考えうる中で最高の日本の粋を夢に乗せて九州を一周走破するクルーズ・トレイン cruise train です。九州各地を巡り、自然、食、温泉、歴史を贅を尽くして極上に愉しむ列車であり、最もラグジュアリーなコースは一人百万円の料金となっています。手を洗うところ一つとっても、有田焼の手びねりの器が使われていて、その美意識の高さは「日本の粋」という言葉がふさわしい。

“Seven Stars” won Brunel Award of International Railway Design Competition. And it also won Japan Service Award Prime Minister Award. In addition to that, applying for the ticket of “Seven Stars” is so competitive that there applies 22 persons for a single ticket. You have to be really lucky to get one. The train conductors with their uniform looked so cool also.

I can’t write its charm all here. If you are interested in this special train, please go check out the URL below. The English website is so stylish and mesmerizing also. Well, that’s it for today. Blessings to each one of you! Have a lovely day and night!