Plastic umbrella, Japanese invention

Hi there! Today I want to write about Cheap Plastic Umbrella and our Japanese mentality. Japan is a very meticulous country. So many people who come to Japan are impressed with our hardworking, capable, and gentle spirit. They are moved and can’t help but say “Japan is amazing……” Yes, we Japanese follow rules and very patient, rather than being aggressive and pushing away others, we make efforts to get better and try to solve problems at any time. However, we Japanese think that our attitude is nothing special and we take it for granted. We recognize that we are all far from perfect and others are imperfect also. And we count so many flaws we have, we point out negative aspects of ourselves over and over. However, there are countless number of Japanophiles all over the world. Many of them think that Japan is a faraway dreamland. Somewhere so far and so beautiful. People are gentle and ladies are angels. They want to get close to Japan, but this country is enigmatic. Or because of the enigma, people are attracted to the mysterious beauty.

皆さん、こんにちは。今日はビニール傘と日本人の精神性について書いてみます。日本は折り目正しい秩序に支えられたとても居住まいの美しい国で、多くの外国人訪問者が規則正しく整然と物事を処してゆく我々の様を見て、嘆息を漏らします。Japan is amazing! と。けれど骨の髄まで日本人であることと日本に暮らすことに馴染んでいる私達には、日本という国の美しくない点が数限りなく浮かんできます。世界中の人達が東洋の神秘、桃源郷、魅惑の花園と慕い「見たこともないような美しい宝物や絵画がある部屋」に近付いて中に入りたいけれどその部屋の鍵のありかが分からない、謎に包まれたその存在、と憧れている国なのに。

But if we Japanese say ” Japan is fantastic!” one another in Japanese, it makes no difference. We have to step forward and connect with people all over the world. I pray my bilingual blog is contributing to the world that people in other countries can really enjoy to read my Japanese daily life and my Japanese philosophy. I hope you support me.


These days Japanese people come to love complimenting the beauty of Japan one another. Many TV programs promote and let people understand the reasons why Japan is so wonderful. As I have written above, Japanese people are lacking in confidence and have negative image for us and tend to speak ill of ourselves. We somehow need to be confirmed that we are good by mass media. I think we have Tokyo Olympics in 2020, so the government is trying to cultivate Japanese to be friendly and outgoing and more international.


Japanese inventions are marvelous. We treasure state of the art technology and witty twists. And we also value traditional beauty. We want to have convenient and easy stuff, but at the same time we are proud of classical things cherished in our long history. And they are all mixed up and coexist in Japan, that’s the core of our COOL JAPAN. See the pic. It’s a plastic umbrella, Japanese invention. You can buy it at any convenience store or drug store in Japan. It’s about 3-5 dollars. We don’t want to get wet in rain or drizzle. So when suddenly it starts raining and if we don’t have an umbrella, we don’t think twice about buying the plastic umbrella. My American friend once said “Japanese people use umbrellas a lot.  It rains often in Seattle also, but people don’t use umbrellas.” I said,  “How come? Because Americans are meat eaters and their body temperature is higher so they don’t mind getting wet?” She said “Haha! Maybe. I think lots of people wear hoodies and they cover up their head and just walk away.” I thought it was pretty interesting. It might be a small thing, but Japanese don’t like the concept of getting wet. Quite interestingly,  it maybe shows our meticulous tendency in a sense.

日本が誇る最新鋭のテクノロジーや日々の便利なちょっとした、それでいて凄い発明品の数々。そして利便性や簡易性を求めながらも、古くからの伝統を慈しみ守ってゆこうとする心。この両者が混在しPop Culture と伝統美の何気無い融合の中にこそ、日本の魅力は凝縮されていると思います。この手軽で便利なビニール傘も日本の発明品です。数百円で買える傘で、出先で急に雨が降り出すと、日本人の多くはこのビニール傘を買い求めます。日本と同じくよく雨が降るアメリカシアトル出身の友人は「日本人はみんな傘を差すよね。シアトルでは雨でも構わずにみんな濡れてゆくよ。」と言っていました。「それってアメリカ人が肉食い人種だから体温が高くて、雨に濡れても平気ってことなの?」と聞くと「はは!そうかもね。結構フード付きの服着てる人がい多いから、フード被って歩けばオッケーって感じかな。」と言っていました。例え小雨でも濡れるのは嫌だという日本人の感覚は、ある種の細やかさの表れなのかもな、なんて考えたりします。

That’s all for today. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog. With good vibrations, see you soon!


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Shinnihon steel manufacturing company

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