Year 2022 is ending, and another year is coming around the corner. I’d like to write about MOOC online free lectures by The University of Tokyo that I was immersed into this December. Currently I’m studying in university in Kyoto Master’s course in order to sublimate this ©️Aya’s Cool Japan Blog project into academic achievement. They offer many genre of online lectures by experts of various fields introducing their specialities. Able to learn stories filled with sincere passion and dedication of an architect living in Dubai, an author of an eminent literary award, a biologist, a Korean Japanese photographer, and a music environment producer.
2022年も終わり、新しい年がまたやって来る。今回はこの12月にふと思いついて熱中していた、東大のMOOCオンライン無料講座について書いてみたい。私がこの ©️Aya’s Cool Japan Blog の活動を学術に昇華させる為に在籍している京都の大学院では、多岐に渡る分野の専門家が自身の専門分野を紹介する、オンライン講座を開催している。ドバイ在住の建築家、直木賞作家、生物学者、在日コリアンの写真家、音環境プロデューサーと、多彩な講師陣が繰り広げる、濃い想いの詰まった話を聞いていた。
Each story is overflowing with love toward the study field of the lecturer that almost all amount of energy in life is poured into. They are totally different from my major, but the front runners are emitting words of fruit of rich harvest coloring so good. I was taking notes avidly each time, and looking back the notebook, having quality time all by myself.
I also was a lecturer of an online program for half a year teaching Japanese culture in English and Japanese bilingual, and reflecting upon my project and the prospects of future success, then came up with an idea to apply for MOOC online free lecture course provided by The University of Tokyo. MOOC course is created by World Class Top Universities in order to return academic knowledge widely to the society. Anyone can attend lectures and finish the course after having registration.

Found out professor emeritus of The University of Tokyo, Prof. Robert Campbell who is much well versed to Japanese language and the culture than Japanese people is lecturing late 19th century and early 20th century Edo, Bakumatsu, and Meiji era Japanese cultural history. I adore Prof. Campbell so much, and there is no reason not to apply, so finished the registration with excitement. All the course is conducted in English, but if one has academic level proficiency, the content itself is not too challenging. Having basic knowledge of liberal arts is sufficient.
In the chapter of Painted Beauties, learned about a picture of geisha after bathed by Watanabe Kazan, and the tragic death of Kazan ordered ritual suicide of hara-kiri, the meaning of Oiran courtesan of Yoshiwara Bravo District portrayed by oil painting to record the history, and same Yoshiwara geisha Usugumo painted in a hanging scroll when 89 years old, the social background, and painters who expressed resistance through paintings. Watanabe Kazan who cherished sexual mingling of man and woman was fond of falling asleep smelling lotus flowers blooming in the dawn, Prof. Campbell slipped in interesting trivia at times. All and all so intriguing.
Historical background of Niijima Yae (female) taken a portrait photograph in Samurai style attaching sword beside before escaping from Aizu, and a scary ghost story of Edo era I Ching researcher who went to netherworld before accomplishing own resolution were interesting to know. Picture post card communication was lifted restriction in 1900 and it became unprecedented boom with government subsidies for sending to the frontline of the Russo-Japanese War for free.
Haiku and Tanka short poems attached to photographs were extension of Ukiyoe wood block prints or Sato Issai and Yoshida Shoin picture portrait with Chinese poems. Painted Beauties often have the theme of “Reading Beauty”, and reverse of portrait photographs are scribbled with resolutions and poems of the person and it is leading to literary meaning. With many photographs, picture post cards, and hanging scrolls, the records as historical documents made the proof of them to be literary works in late 19th century and early 20th century. It is worthy to study the academic methodology.

The lecture course is consisted of Module 1~4, there are 8~14 movies in each Module, and have a quiz after 10-minute or so movie each, and have a test in the last part of each Module. Quiz after a movie is not difficult, but I had several mistakes. End of Module test is demanding, one can pass it with over 80% correct answers, up to 3-time trial is allowed. Multiple choice from 4 style, but it is intended to be confusing, not only one answer can be correct, makes it difficult to pass with a first challenge. 30-hour was a standard length to complete, but I was able to finish in 18 hours in total of 4 days. Felt so proud. Took notes for 97 pages, scribbling a lot.
講義はModule1~4の構成で、動画はModule ごとに8本~14本あり、小括として約10分ごとの動画の後に小テストがある。それぞれのModule の最後にまとめのテストがある。動画の後の小テストはあまり難しくないが、何回かやり直しをした。まとめのテストは難易度が高く、80点以上が合格、3回まで挑戦できる。四者択一式のテストで、どちらも当てはまるものが混ざっていて、1回目で合格しにくい構成にしてある。コースは30時間が目安。私は四日間取り組んで、合計18時間で修了出来たのが嬉しかった。ノートは走り書きで97ページに及んだ。
Grade Chart
Module1 first trial 68.5%, second trial 67.5%, third trial 81.25% and passed
Module2 first trial 52%, second trial 92.85% and passed
Module3 first trial 87.5% and passed
Module4 first trial 88.88% and passed
Total Score 87.62%
Module1 初回は68.5点、2回目67.5点、3回目81.25点でやっと合格
Module2 初回は52点、2回目92.85点で合格
Module3 初回87.5点で合格
Module4 初回88.88点で合格
Course completion rate is about 7.8%, and it was showed “To complete online course is not easy. You must have spent many hours and worked industriously. Looking back your efforts, and rejoice with the achievement.” I want to keep rejoicing for a while.
Finishing the course was in relatively short time, however it it is no doubt that I spent enormous amount of time and energy relating to the studies and it was unable to have done in a short time. Especially English, I’ve been learning since the age of 5 as a little girl. Though I think it’s cool that after decades of learning this or that, I was able to achieve this far. To be a bit more ambitious, if I had finished with more than 90%, I would have been awarded an honor of Distinction. But I might be asking for too much.
このコース自体は比較的短時間で終わったけれど、それに関わる学びには気の遠くなるほどの時間をかけてきているのは確かであり、一朝一夕では到達できなかったことは紛れもない事実だ。こと英語に関しては、幼少のみぎり、五歳の頃から学んでいるのだ。幾歳月をかけて沢山の寄り道をしながらここまで来れたのは、ロマンがあって良いんじゃないかとも思う。欲を言えば、90点以上で終えた人にはDistinction (成績優秀、卓越)という称号が与えられたそうで、その称号が欲しかった気もするが、まあそれは望み過ぎだろう。

Studies are the supreme entertainment.
Love and Peace.
The University of Tokyo, MOOC Coursera,
Music & Arts course
“Words Spun Out of Images: Visual and Literary Culture in Nineteenth Century Japan”
Robert Campbell, professor emeritus