Enticing Foodie Time

Japanese foods, Japanese hospitality, foodie in Japan, Japan trip, Japanese seafoods, Japanese restaurant, 日本語、島根旅、美食、新鮮魚介

When you come visit Japan, you are very likely to be impressed with beautiful hospitality and presentation of delicious foods. In Japanese, we have a term of “ogochisou”(fabulous food) that literally means “food prepared by running around”. For the spring break aka Golden Week of Japan, we visited Shimane prefecture and immersed ourselves into the foodie experience.


This is taken at “Gungendo Cafe ” of IWAMI-GINZAN Silver Mine of UNESCO world heritage. To our surprise, the lady clerk that we talked a few years ago still remembered us and welcomed so graciously. The tiny flower and clover are picked up at the yard. And the ice cream was so fragrant and tasty with lavender essential oil. Strawberry Sundae and coffee for 1,100 yen.


This is my most favorite cafe of Japan! The access is so inconvenient, however you’ll think that you are in a fairly land if you manage to reach there.


For lunch before the cafe, we dropped at Hamada Osakana Center “Gussann” and spoiled ourselves with the fish and rice bowl. The diner is just by Hamada harbor, so fishes are very fresh. Nodoguro fish that we dreamed of was so delicious. 1,950 yen.


Our final destination of Shimane prefecture was Matsue City. This Western style restaurant named “Ronjin” is loved by the locals so deeply. Again, the seafoods were all so fresh and wonderful. Crab cream croquette was rich with Cheddar cheese. Homemade tartar was another hit! 1,980 yen.

旅の最終目的地は島根の松江でした。この「ろんぢん」という洋食屋さんは、地元の人に愛されている街一番の人気店。やはり海鮮類が新鮮で素晴らしい。蟹クリームコロッケにはチェダーチーズがたっぷりと入っていて、とろける美味しさ。タルタルソースもこれまた美味。ミックスフライ自家製タルタル1,980 円。

For the next day, we cancelled the hotel breakfast and just ate a muffin that bought at “Gungendo Cafe” and made ourselves hungry and here comes the special lunch at high class Japanese restaurant named “Waraku”. The steamed crab paste rice with the crab shell was utterly gorgeous. And each and every one of the side dish was amazing! Shimane famous corbicula shellfish soup was so think and great as well. The course meal 3,500 yen.

翌朝はホテルの朝食はキャンセルして、前日に「群言堂カフェ」で買ったマフィンを一つ。お昼に照準を合わせてお腹を空かせます。そして高級料亭の「和らく」にて、かにめし御前を頂きました。蟹味噌を甲羅に入れた蟹せいろ、美食の極みです。そして玉手箱の様に並ぶ小鉢も、一つ一つが丁寧に料理されたもの。島根名物のしじみ汁も味が濃くて美味しい。こちらのコース料理は 3,500 円

I highly recommend seafoods in Shimane.


I think Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Hokkaido, Fukuoka, and Okinawa are popular destinations for Japan trip, however if you go deeper side of this country, you get amazed with the diverse charms.


Love and Peace to the world.

Lafcadio Hearn and Folklore

Secret of Japanese Art

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