Dazaifu; the birth of Reiwa

Paid a visit to Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine where a deity of studies, Sugawara-no-Michizane(845~903) is enshrined. Michizane was an aristocrat and scholar in Heian period (794~1192). He could make a poem at the age of 5 and was cherished as a child prodigy.


Later on, he became a composition doctor; the highest rank of scholars. In 894 (Kanpyo 6) he was appointed as a Japanese envoy to China during the Tang Dynasty. However, Michizane went against the plan and disputed to abolish the envoy system since the Tang Dynasty was in serious disorders. This decision led the country of Japan to nurture and flourish its own unique culture. The impact was immense. Michizane was gifted with writing and he is the one who edited history books of Japan, had been granted the command from the emperor.


Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is famous for its blessings on studies thanks to strikingly intellectual Michizane, and many of entrance examinees all across Japan come to pray for. They pray for passing exams and write their wishes on votive tablets and dedicate them at the shrine.


Japan is the only country that has the name of an era corresponding to the reign of one emperor. And when Heisei era was about to finish and new era name was announced as Reiwa, Dazaifu Tenmangu had a big spotlight. Reiwa is the first era name that is not originated in China, but from the Japanese oldest poetry Manyoh-shu. The name of Reiwa was quoted from a feast hosted at the residence of Sir Otomo-no-Tabito who was a chief governor of Dazaifu in 730 (Tenpyo 2).


Quote unquote, “It is early spring, good month of the new year. And the air is nice and the breeze is calm. The plums are blooming white as if white powder by the side of a mirror, and the orchid is fragrant like from an aroma small bag on the back.”


When I was leafing through pages of Manyoh-shu poetry that I took from late father’s bookshelf for this article, my eyes were stopped by a post-it that father had marked on a poem.


Neither silver nor gold nor precious stone can superior
To a treasure that is my child

銀(しろがね)も 金(くがね)も玉も なにせむに 
優れる宝 子に及かめやも

And right beside the poem, there was description of Reiwa quotation that I was looking for as written above. Father was teaching me from heaven, I became so certain and vigorous power is coming up from the bottom. Father is encouraging me toward this blog project, “I’m watching you, keep up the good work!”


Michizane became Udaijin (vice prime minister of current position) at the capital of Japan, Kyoto at the time of Emperor Daigo. But he experienced a downfall and was demoted to Dazaifu as a local governor and passed away here. There were curses and misfortunes after Michizane’s death and he was enshrined in order to sooth the spirit. And as times descended Michizane came to be worshiped as a deity of studies. It is the historical background.


In the premises of the shrine, there is a gigantic camphor tree that is said to be 1,000 years old or even 1,500 years old. The tree is designated as a national natural monument and it might have attracted people all across Japan as a power spot with some forceful magnetism. There is something relevant, I wonder.


The premises at twilight was chilly with cold air and there were fewer people. Was appealing with some sentiment.


At the sanctuary, a ritual was conducted with priests and maidens.


After the ritual, maidens came down.


I also worked as a maiden in the service of a shrine when in high school. Felt nostalgic reminiscing those days. Just noticed that the very first job I was paid for was so very Japan indeed!


As in Manyoh-shu poetry, Dazaifu Tenmangu Shrine is famous for plums. And Umegaemochi; rice cake with sweet bean paste filling that has a name of plum branch rice cake is the local specialty. Whenever I eat it, feel as if I can scent plum blossoms, and it brings me warm and beloved nostalgia all along.


Day after day we are in the COVID crisis, but I pray sincerely that it will turn out to be a good year for everyone from the bottom of my heart.


参考文献:日本の古典を読む④ 万葉集   
校訂・訳者 小島憲之・木下正俊・東野治之  
発行所:株式会社 小学館

Gender and Education; SDGs

Hosting WASABI Talk™️

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