I assume many of the readers of this blog are very interested in learning languages. I’m a linguist and have been working as a translator and interpreter and teaching languages since university. Therefore, it might be interesting to explain my distance towards languages and tips for learning. I hope you can get some helpful hints by reading this article.
My first language; aka my mother tongue is Hakata dialect of Japanese. It is a language used among family and local friends, highly physical and native language, and true to my feeling the most. Next is standard polite Japanese. It is used for public occasions outside of my home. I use it at hospitals, restaurants, city halls, and shops, taking an official position when using it publicly. Next is Tokyo based informal Japanese, I use it when chatting with friends from university or friends outside of Hakata, Fukuoka.
Regarding foreign languages, colloquial English comes first. In my case, I speak and write American English. Next is formal English, I use it for job and for formal situations, especially with people in high rank. The farther you put yourself from an object, the more polite English becomes. “Can I have some tea? ” will be more polite if it were described as “I’d be glad if you could give me some tea.”
外国語では英語の口語表現がその次に来ます。外国人の友人とのやりとりは、このくだけた英語(私の場合は米語の発音と話法)となります。その次が英語のかしこまった言葉となり、きちんとしなければならない仕事で使ったり、外国人の地位の高い方に対して使います。英語の場合、対象から離れれば離れるほどより丁寧な表現となり、Can I have some tea? (お茶もらえます?)を敬語にすると I’d be glad if you could give me some tea. (もしもお茶を頂けましたら、誠に有難く存じます。)となります。

And next comes Bahasa Malaysia that I majored in university. I occasionally use it for work. Once taught it at an automaker. As I can read and write, I sometimes read articles in Bahasa Malaysia. Once in a while, I keep a diary in it as well. And next is Bahasa Indonesia. Bahasa Indonesia is an artificial language designed after Bahasa Malaysia, so that you can automatically understand 80% of Bahasa Indonesia if you know Bahasa Malaysia. From time to time Bahasa Indonesia comes out from TV news, I can grasp the meaning and feel so nostalgic at a time like that reminiscing my days in university.
Next is Korean, the comprehension level goes down much lower, though. I can understand lines of Korean dramas a little, and it’s fun to practice it with friends who are also learning Korean. I was so happy that I could make myself understood when traveling in Seoul. Japanese and Korean belong to the same language family; the Altai language family. It’s so addicting once you start studying diligently, since you come to feel like you are playing a puzzle.
If you are a Japanese and wishing to learn a foreign language other than English, Korean is the easiest and highly interesting. Hangul is consisted of sound symbols, so once you learn the basic, you can read it smoothly. It’s a bit silly but Fukuoka where I live is close to Korea, and often the times there are Korean signs inside of public lavatories. To tell the truth, I read them quite seriously (!)

I studied French and German 6 months each before traveling the countries. Both in France and Germany I used the languages as hard as I cloud with body language, it was quite surprising that I could make myself understood pretty well. So when you have a chance to go abroad, I recommend you to study the local language beforehand. By not relying too much on English, it will help you to have better mutual understanding; heart to heart warm communication with the locals. They will be very glad that you show respect to their culture and the precious memories will sure to become your treasure.
It’s needless to say that the more languages you are able to speak, the better your life will be. And now it’s 21st century and it’s a huge blessing that you can master quite large number of languages by taking in the merits of both authentic language learning method and internet wisely.
Authentic language learning method is basically the same as the method taught at schools for grammars, reading, and writing. However, the most efficient procedure is to have one on one rigorous lessons for certain period of time. When you learn how to play a musical instrument say piano, having private lessons is the norm. It’s the same that you can learn very effectively by having a private teacher keeping your own pace. It is preferable the teacher is a native speaker of the target language or bilingual. The teacher should be sincere and if the student is highly motivated and passionate, s/he is sure to improve remarkably.
Good language learning material should be written in both the target language and your mother tongue. Practicing how to read by assuming the words and the grammars is so significant. But it is not that important that everything is explained with clarity, the guessing part is crucial, I believe. And this blog is also very instructive for language learning. By assuming the meaning hard, your vision will get clearer and you’ll gradually come to see something you couldn’t see before.

For young people, I want to give an advice to make efforts to master not only your mother tongue and English, but please try to extend yourself to learn the third language also.
And this might sound peculiar, but please cherish your first mother dialect as well. It’s not true that standard language of your country is upper and dialect is lower. You use the standard language publicly and you speak dialect with family and local friends. But it doesn’t mean that people you see in public are upper than your family and close friends. You need intelligence choosing what language to speak depending on the situation. In case of Japanese, dialects and the standard Japanese are as far as Dutch and German. In my opinion, it’s one of your assets that you can use your dialect perfectly.
Having good command of many languages means you own many cards to play games. It also means you can recognize and capture the world much more colorfully and deeply. You can use it for your job, and if not, you can enjoy your life more richly and more uniquely. I proved the equation is correct devoting my whole life. Let’s keep on learning languages together having so much joy and pleasure at hand!
Boys and girls, be ambitious!