Peace Message in August

Peace, love and peace, no war, no nuclear weapon, 平和の祈り、平和、平和のために何が出来る、バイリンガル、learn Japanese, 核兵器廃絶

<The picture was taken in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. One thousand origami cranes, prayers for peace. 写真は広島の平和記念公園で撮ったもの。千羽鶴、平和への祈り。>

Hot and sweltering August. In Japan, August is the month that people ponder over peace and pray for the actualization. On August 6th of 1945, American Atomic Bombs were dropped in Hiroshima and a few days later August 9th in Nagasaki. Since then, August has been the month to face with the sinfulness and stupidity of humanity and dedicate prayers for peace in Japan. How come America carried out massacre that robbed lives of myriads of innocent people? And why on earth they continue the education that declaring “thanks to the Atomic Bombs the war ended” by having self-justification?


However, it is the heads and tails of a coin. Japan also invaded East Asia and South East Asia in order to expand the Greater East Asia Prosperity Sphere with extreme cruelty. Since the beginning of the history, humanity never abandoned wars since we are equipped with the brutal nature.


What I want to write today is that “one must not stab a man with its righteous sword.” There exists as many justice as many people. I strongly believe there is no absolute justice. “Jihad” or Holy War, is also the concept that human made up in order to protect their own merit. And now, people all over the world is afraid of the outbreak of the World War Ⅲ. The threat of the nuclear war is coming near.


But what I want to write about is not about the nuclear crisis nor the World War Ⅲ. I want to write about much more close, everyday topic. Now it’s internet age and on SNS or by anonymous, it is overflowing with words intended to hurt others on the net. You feel bad and have a nuisance each time seeing them.


Why can’t people stop the emotion to type out and leave hurtful and hateful words on the cyber space? In this day and age, your anonymous comment will be disclosed by tracking back the IP address. Or if you write on SNS, the reputation of yours will be directly damaged by expressing those negative comments. Someone who keeps writing ill hearted hateful words based on self-justification can never be highly evaluated nor trusted.


The wide spread of internet and SNS enabled us to express our ideas freely at any time, and it is the progress of the democratization. Though, always we have to keep in mind that it is the double edged sword. The key is how to handle it. Ten years ago or so, if an individual intend to express its own opinion, one had to write to the editor of a newspaper or magazine, or send a post card to a radio program. Taking those steps was necessary. And the editor decides if the opinion was worthy or not. Therefore, you’ve got to have a solid opinion based on solid belief or facts, and emotional and impulsive opinions were shut out from the beginning.


Nuclear war, internet bullying, and all manner of abusive words are rooted on the same ground. Expressions of hurting and abusing toward someone. It is the heart that one desires to revenge, punish, and judge. Someone who brings you disadvantage or bad feelings is the object of the revenge. But now, we must once again think about this deeper “one must not stab a man with its righteous sword”.


On the other hand, we humanity share the history that we had development of legal systems and built up countries governed by law, united good relationships with other countries, enforce international law, and functioning International Organizations begins with United Nations within cooperations of each country, we humanity piled up layers of efforts one by one taking so many years.


Each one of us are blessed with amazing gifts of intelligence, power of imagination, and creativity. We can make peace, we can expand it, and protect it. We can devote our precious time called life for the holy mission. I pray that each one of us in the world ponder over the meaning of peace in this August.


Praying for Love and Peace sincerely.


KAWAII, analyze in depth

Army Doctor and Literature

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