Came across a tree full of bayberries when walking in a park. And remembered when little, there was the tree in my garden and it bore fruit every early summer. I picked up, one, two, three fruit of it and tasted. Felt so reminiscing and darling. Today, I’d like to write about Zen and Mindfulness that was expanded via Japan and came to embrace the world as something good and fragrant.
散歩をしていた公園で、山桃の木にたわわに実がついていた。子供の頃、家の庭先で毎年初夏に実をつけていた甘い山桃を思い出し、一つ二つ三つ、もぎ取って口に含むと、懐かしく慕わしい味がした。今日は日本経由で広がり、何か良き香り高きものとして世界を包む様になった、 Zen とマインドフルネス(心が満ち足りていること)について書いてみたい。
Zen is originally the teaching of Zen Buddhism that was shared by intellects of Meiji Era (1868-1912) Japan about a century ago. Kakuzo Okakura (1963-1913) and D. T. Suzuki (1870-1966) (D.T. Suzuki was born in Meiji Era, and played active role until 1966 when he passed away) published English books abroad and the teaching transformed its shape as it was widely spread. The outer image of Japan nowadays is constructed based on the thought of Zen. Now that Zen is international word and it means ‘Accept things as they are without becoming turbulent, Being calm at any time’. Zen also became an adjective, for example “My late father was so Zen.”
Zen とはおよそ一世紀前、明治 (1868-1912) の知識人であった岡倉天心(岡倉覚三)(1863-1913) や、明治生まれで亡くなる1966年まで広い年代に渡り活躍した仏教学者の鈴木大拙 (1870-1966) が英語著書を海外で出版して広めた禅の思想が、世界に広く伝播するに従って意味を変えて行ったもの。今日の対外的な日本のイメージは、この Zen の思想に基づいて作られている。今や Zen は国際語になり、落ち着いて嫌なことにも動揺せずにあるがままを受け入れると言う意味合いになり、形容詞として使われることもある。例えば「私の亡き父は禅的な人であった。」という様に。

In the book of D. T. Suzuki ‘An Introduction to Zen Buddhism’, it is mentioned on ‘satori’ and yoga. And to tell the truth to grasp the teaching of Zen is too difficult as it is not written logically. It is explained “There is a cloud and it is the phenomenon and you can’t touch the cloud.” and such.
鈴木大拙の著書 ‘An Introduction to Zen Buddhism’ (邦訳『禅仏教入門』) では、悟りやヨガについても書いてあり、正直言って禅の思想は「流れる雲があり、その雲は現象としてあるけれど、実態としての雲には触れることは出来ない」という種の説明ばかりで、論理的に理解出来るものではない様に思われるけれど。
However, the genius of D. T. Suzuki was able to verbalize the ambiguity of Zen to this degree. He is more well-known abroad than in Japan. The achievement of Suzuki that spread the image of Zen as one sort of utopia or ‘Nirvana’ is greatly remarkable and sheerly peaceful.
それでもそのよく分からないものをここまで言語化出来た鈴木大拙(彼はD.T. Suzuki として日本よりも海外で広くその名を知られている)は、Zen なるものが喚起するイメージを、一つの理想郷として、平和的にあるものとして広げて行った功績は非常に大きいものがある。

In one example, a high ranking monk was taught reversely the importance of washing own dishes after having breakfast. The quote came time again. Zen abhors imitating, vanity, and pride. It is repeatedly taught to affirm who you are as you are. I also practice yoga for 10 minutes every morning right after wake up. The core of yoga is circulation, circulating blood and energy, releasing old dirty thoughts, and wishing for happiness for all beings.
Recognize your body and soul as one being and harmonize yourself peacefully is the truth of mindfulness aka wholeness. And ‘satori’ is close to ‘epiphany’ or ‘awakening’ or ‘enlightenment’ in Christianity, therefore the psychological climax can be a common and primitive human reaction that any religion share and partake.

The image of Zen is interpreted widely as something calm and tranquil, rather than ultimate state of mind one can achieve after experiencing rigorous trainings. Accept who you are, as you are. And accept others without denouncing. And that is the heart of peace that wraps up the globe, the very prayer all people in this day and age are sincerely seeking for.
Zen のイメージとしては、厳しく苛烈な修行の末に辿り着ける境地というよりも、自分が自分であることを受け入れて、他者のこともあるがままに受け入れて、心に波風が立っていない静寂の状態であると、今日では広く共有されている。それはつまり、この時代を生きる全ての人が希求している、世界を包む平和の心でもあるのではないか。
Love and Peace…
‘An Introduction to Zen Buddhism’ D.T. Suzuki, Grove Press, 1964