The Love of OTAKU

otaku, geek, geeky, オタク、オタッキー、otaku spirit, geeky spirit, The Structure of IKI, いきの構造、九鬼周造、Japanese aesthetic, learn Japanese

This time, I’d like to analyze Otaku in depth with much affection. In Japanese Otaku is conjugated to Otakkie who are more densely Otaku. The world is getting even more miserable, so here I’d like to share some silly and quirky laughter with all. I’m writing this for a niche market for people who love silly yet intellectual matters. Believing laughter is the best medicine, so let’s laugh together!


(*)Otaku is similar to geek in English, but a little different. オタクは英語のギークと似ていますが、少し違います。

Now that Otaku is included in Cambridge Dictionary and it is an international word that attained citizenship. Otaku is defined as “in Japan, a young person who is very interested in and knows a lot about computers, computer games, anime (= animated films), etc., but may find it difficult to talk to people in real life”. It certainly describes one aspect of Otaku, however it is still insufficient. The love for Otaku is insufficient! Objects that Otaku shower much love are all kinds of things, all different shapes and sizes. Here I want to emphasize that the love of Otaku is not limited toward computer and anime.


The definition of Otaku that I think truly Otaku is “a person who seek for and pursue his/her object with overflowing passion inclined to be too enthusiastic at times”. Yes, Otaku is very pure. And Otaku pours love to his/her object without asking for return. And Otaku implying to be introverted and unsocial is superficial. It is true that many of Otaku are introverted, and the amount of energy that seeking for the object tends to be more pure and high if one is introverted type, however, there exists extraverted Otaku as well. I’m social and outgoing Otaku that is quite rare.


Think of world famous Kaizen spirit of Japan, it is the outcome of the Otaku spirit, I suppose. Find out a problem and improve the current state with meticulous inventive ideas. This nature is what you come across quite frequently in Japanese society. Call what if not Otaku mindset? The directivity of Otaku is inward and it prioritizes inner motive of seeking the truth, rather than desiring esteem from others. And there blooms a beautiful flower of Otaku.


One survey says 50% of Japanese are Otaku of some area. Isn’t it fun and amusing to wonder and ponder what kind of Otaku you are?


Speaking of myself, I’m a Linguistic Otaku. And I have enormous passion toward reading and writing. I want to read at anytime. And I can’t help but write every single day. My brain structure is fond of following words rather than watching a movie. And I write on this blog that I’m currently studying in Master’s Course in university, majoring in Japanese culture. I believe if you are not Otaku enough, you’ll never choose to study further in graduate school after graduated from university more than 20 years ago.


And I dedicate my love of Otaku toward a book titled “The Structure of IKI” written by Kuki Shuzo for the last 7 years. This is a book of philosophy and very tough to understand. The spirit of IKI ≒ chic that appeared in the pleasure quarters of Edo is rigorously analyzed with astonishing degree of deliberation with leaps and bounds. The structure of IKI is examined through and through with earnest eros. So very difficult to understand, but so many times I read it back. It is emitting some kind of mystic and magnetic aura.


And this “The Structure of IKI” is studied earnestly abroad, and it is translated into English, French, and German as well. As of being a translator, I admire the challenge to translate the book. And I was wondering who and how actually translated. And I looked for the English translation. Found out the English version seemed to be out of print and Amazon said it costs 140,000 yen. No way! But still, I couldn’t give up. And searched for my university library. And yes! Found it! So wonderful. I borrowed it and read it at one go. For photo copy, I wanted to make it beautiful, so went all the way to a community center to have pretty print.

そしてこの「いきの構造」は九鬼の哲学として海外でも熱心に学ばれており、英語フランス語ドイツ語などにも翻訳されています。翻訳を仕事とする者として、この本を翻訳するとはどれだけ凄いことか、一体誰がどうやってこの内容を翻訳し得たのか、不思議でたまらず、英語版を探しました。英語版の”The Structure of IKI” は絶版となっている模様で、Amazonで調べたら14万円強というあり得ない値段設定。それでも読みたい読みたい、と考え、大学の図書館を調べたら、何とありました。素晴らしい。そう言う訳で早速借りて、熱心に一気に読み上げました。コピーも綺麗なものが欲しくて、わざわざコミニティセンターまで行って美しい印字のコピーを取ってきました。

And here’s what I found.


*The translation of this book was done as a scholarly collaboration at first, professor of University of Sydney in center but abandoned once as beyond competence and later completed. It was translated as a team with help of Japanese professors, editors, other specialists, and Konan University Kuki Library, Nanzan University, Nagoya, later of National Museum of Ethology, Osaka. It took years to complete.


*Certainly, this book will never be able to be translated by a single person.


*Thoughts on the book. Difficult Japanese definitions are decomposed plainly then translated into English. As a result, reading the text in English is easier than reading in Japanese. The reversal phenomenon occurs at times when translating Japanese into English, since the structure of English is more simple and logical. Though sentiments of Japanese tends to evaporate in the process. But it’s possible to add up reformed English sentiments later.


*There were some lines unable to translate since too complicated and pleasure district essence is too strong. Some free translations were too distant from the original context.


*In conclusion, the English translation is easier than the Japanese original text, but it is not easy to grasp the whole context by reading the English version only. Reading Japanese first and reading English as supplementary, then you can finally capture the whole picture. It is as if you see a beautiful embroidery and turn it back and see how the stitches and yearns and patterns are planned, touch it, and examine it, then fully understand the whole embroidery motif deeply. To go through the process was sheer joy of intellectual amusement. I was able to understand this far by reading both the Japanese original text and the English translation. The spirit of Otaku is rejoicing!


This attitude is Otaku of Otaku, I believe. Otaku is intelligent. Yes, Otakkie is very intellectual. And the Otaku being must be beneficial for the society as well. So, everyone, please cherish and love Otaku and Otakkie. Please help them to grow and thrive.


And what kind of Otaku are you?


Love and Peace!

「REFLECTIONS ON JAPANESE TASTE – THE STRUCTURE OF IKI」by KUKI SHUZO Translated by John Clark Edited by Sakuko Matusi and John Clark, Power Publications Sydney, 1997

Moss Studies of Japan

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