It’s August the 6th. 78 years ago, today, atomic bombs were dropped down to Hiroshima. I reflect upon peace sincerely every year on this very day. Pondering and praying for peace, but you can’t find an answer right away. And replacing a war between nations to a conflict between people, we are ceaselessly having frictions. Speaking ill of someone in heart, you might not verbalize, but none of us are innocent. Even though, we strive to make peace with others, sometimes get hurt and tears come up, but we manage to forgive and try to heal one another.

And peace is nothing but this continuous efforts. You feel hurt and have negative emotions to someone, but putting up with the situation and make a painstaking decision not to attack back. The power of will is the heart of peace. Destruction yields nothing. And if you sow good seeds, one day you’ll harvest the crops.

On my academic journey to establish Japanography, I came to study and research Kawaii culture of Japan. I went to Sanrio exhibition in Kyoto Kyocera museum last year, and that led me to a wonderful blessing and I was able to encounter with great figures and Sanrio became my research object. When I was an elementary school student, I was living unified with Sanrio. Therefore, it is so nostalgic to encounter with little girl of myself, and having sense of wonder and rejoicing, I keep on endeavoring.
新しい日本に関する記述、ジャパノグラフィーを確立する研究を続けている中で、日本の「可愛い」文化、Kawaii についても研究することになり、昨年、京都の京セラ美術館のサンリオ展に行ったことを契機に、素晴らしいご縁に恵まれて、サンリオのことを研究材料として取り上げる運びになった。小学生の頃、私はサンリオと一体化して生きていたので、懐かしい自分に再びめぐりあった様な喜びと不思議な巡り合わせを感じながら、研究を続けている。

Along the way, I came to know that the foundation of Sanrio has started with the corporate philosophy of peace. The social communication business believes that when you say “Thank you” or “Sorry”, with a small gift of something Kawaii, the communication will get smoother. By not insisting “No wars!” loudly, but in gentle and Kawaii atmosphere, people can resonate one another, “We don’t like wars, we get along well, and we love peace.” .

“Ichigo Shinbun; The Strawberry News” the newspaper of Sanrio that has been published since April 1975 was representing the world of peace, I remember. When I was an elementary school student, I used to buy 150 yen newspaper with my small allowance and read back again and again. In the morning of Sunday, looking at adorable Sanrio characters and reading thorough the pages and thinking this or that was such a happy comforting time. Felt like I was floating on pastel colored cakes, doughnuts, and cotton candies.

Many of academic thesis abroad is researching Kawaii of Sanrio and “Ichigo Shinbun; The Strawberry News”, but I do believe that I was a reader of the paper back in the days, and it is strongly advantageous.
Kawaii を研究する多くの海外の論文ではサンリオ のことも『いちご新聞』のことも取り上げられているけれど、小学生の元読者としての視点は強い武器になるのだと確信している。

And the King of Strawberry who made “Ichigo Shinbun, The Strawberry News” is the king of peace country. Every August, he issues a message of peace. “Each one of our ‘getting along well with others’ is eventually leading to world peace, I, the king believe in so.” (The Strawberry News August edition, 2023/07/10 | The message from the Strawberry King; Aya Aoki translated the Japanese) And the king shared his experience of the World War Ⅱ, rather tragic story, yet to convey the truth faithfully to young readers.
そして、『いちご新聞』を作った平和の国「いちご王国」の王さまは、毎年8月号で平和のメッセージを書き続けている。「ひとりひとりの『みんななかよく』が、いずれ世界の平和へつながってゆくと王さまは信じています。」(2023/07/10 いちご新聞8月号|いちごの王さまからのメッセージ)そして王さまの戦争体験の話を、幼き者にも届く様に真っ直ぐにその悲惨な状況を語り伝えている。

And these are Sanrio goodies I have at home, Kuromi chan gargle cup and a hanky. Kuromi chan is a conceited self-centered sweet devil, her favorite food is rakkyou; pickled shallots, her hobby is keeping a journal, now she’s so into reading love novels. She is so original. And the message of Kuromi chan is cheering up all girls and boys, I believe.
そして、我が家にあるサンリオ グッズ、クロミちゃんのうがいコップとタオルハンカチをご紹介。クロミちゃんは、自分大好き我がまま大好き小悪魔ちゃんで、好きな食べ物はらっきょう、趣味は日記を書くことで、最近は恋愛小説にハマっている個性派の女の子だ。クロミちゃんのメッセージは、きっと全ての女の子、そして男の子を元気にするメッセージだ。

“Yes, you can be who you want to be! I can go beyond myself. I have no regret upon myself. But not satisfied either. I’m so fabulous, and tomorrow I’ll be even better. If you think so, every day will be much more fun. Anyone, no matter how old you get, you can be who you want to be, free as a bird not worrying what others think. I change the world, every one loves oneself more. Yes, you can be who you want to be! #World Kurominize Plan going on!”
<From Sanrio homepage, Aya Aoki translated the Japanese.>
「ほら、あんたもなりたい自分になっちゃおうよ!わたしは、わたしを超えられる。これまでの自分に後悔なんてない。でも、満足している訳でもない。いまが最高だし、明日はもっとイケてる!そう思えたら、毎日がもっと楽しくなると思うんだ。誰だって、いくつになったって、他人の目を気にせず自分の信じる道を突っ走っていい。みんながもっと自分を好きになれる世界に変えるんだ。ほら、あんたもなりたい自分になっちゃおう #世界クロミ化計画 進行中!」
Get along with yourself, and get along well with others; the beginning of heart of peace.
Love and Peace!