Not Only Sakura,,,,,

Sakura, 桜、桜だけでなく、ムスカリ、cherry blossoms, hello good bye, 出会いと別れ、桜吹雪、花吹雪、生涯学習、learn English, 英会話、スコーレ

Spring gentle rain, it will wash away Sakura petals. The lovely petals of pinkish white are about to be cleansed away. I appreciated Sakura season through and through this year also. Full bloom Sakura on a cloudy day in a temple, Sakura in the mountain when hiking up, Sakura on a lovely peaceful day by the stream, and scattering petals of Flower Storm in a mountain shrine.


The whole nation so looking forward to Sakura blooming every spring, people love talking about Sakura, and treasure them fondly for a while and find sentiment and philosophy in the scattering away beautiful petals. Japan conducts Sakura diplomacy and presented Sakura all over the world, so probably now they’re in full bloom all parts of the globe.


Sakura of this year was a bit sad Sakura of saying good bye. I finished teaching an English conversation class for lifetime education that continued for 18 years. Feel so grateful for each one of my student that they followed me util they hit 75. The members increased and decreased, and 3 housewives remained until the last.


They are not striking elites, they didn’t achieve something remarkable. However, they kept attending the Friday English class for 18 years without quitting or burned out on the way. Not anyone can do the same. We shared our life journey of ups and downs talking in English. Sometimes under the weather, at times suffering from household issues. They had events of traveling abroad, eating out fabulous cuisines. And heartbreaking pains we shared. We rejoiced together and encouraged one another. Reflecting upon the 18 years, about 860 lessons in total.


They’re all fond of listening to something intellectual. I taught learning languages is interesting, not only English but other languages can be studied correlating one another if they belong to the same language family. Cultural matters and traditions are influenced immensely by language, and social situation is internationally interacting, religious thoughts are depending on background of its nation and area and there’s Cultural Relativism. For literature, in the genre of children literature of fairy tales or Aesop fables or folklores, they are densely reflecting upon the local culture.


It was a very good time reading numbers of foreign picture books together. All of these learning is in the category of of lifetime education, far from academics. However, the act of learning and teaching is sheerly intelligent and to be interested in and amazed at anything and everything with sense of wonder is the ultimate example of “schole”; the origin of school in Greek.


For the final lesson, I made a certificate of “diploma” for each and read out loud and gave out one by one. One student came putting on a mohair scarf knitted by her mother that she put on for coming of age day more than 50 years ago. She brought lovely Japanese confection and prepared table setting and we enjoyed teatime. One student said she won’t say good bye that she doesn’t think it’s the end. One student hugged me tight and said in English, “I pray for success, your thesis, in the world.”


So many memories rushing in and tears oozing out. Sakura is the flower decorating encounter and departure. In the crystalized feeling, I’m recalling the last 18 years with much fondness.


However, not only Sakura is beautiful. Purple Muscari is blooming in the garden of parents’ house. The short violet flowers surely come out every spring without exception. When in elementary school, mother made a bouquet of the flowers with a pink ribbon when my teacher left for taking a maternity leave, I brought it to school and the teacher was so glad. Thinking of loved ones who don’t say much but protect me always gently. Thinking of late father now in heaven, sensing he is still seeing me and protecting me from afar.


Any flower blooming all its might is equally beautiful.


Love and Peace…..

My Studies and Egon Schiele

Children and Reading

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