It’s been sweltering like thrown into a warm air circulator, yet we made a summer journey to Hirado, Nagasaki. Hirado is the first port of Japan, when trade between Holland started in the 17th century, the Age of Exploration. Many of churches and historical remains are still there. Nagasaki is the only place that a door to the world was opened representing Dejima in the time of national seclusion in Edo period (1603~1868). Foreign atmosphere is still floating in Nagasaki today.
温風機の中に放り込まれた様な日々が続く中、長崎は平戸へ夏旅をして来た。17世紀の大航海時代に、平戸は日本で最初の貿易港としてオランダとの交易が始まった場所であり、教会や史跡などが多く残り、海外との行き来が盛んであった頃の面影を今に伝えている。長崎は江戸時代 (1603~1868) の鎖国時代に出島が唯一海外に開かれた窓として機能していた土地で、長崎にはいつもどこかしら異国情緒が漂っている。

Hirado Dutch Trading Post, opened as a museum today. Showcasing historical documents, materials, and paintings (including replicas).

Famous portrait of Xavier, replica. The purpose of the expedition of Portuguese Missionary Francisco Xavier was to preach and spread Christianity to the world. However, on the flip side there was purpose of obtaining spices to preserve meat, and gaining silver of Iwami silver mine used as international currency. Then made a voyage all the way to Zipangu, the golden country. Recognizing both aspects of the history is indispensable.

Map published around 1700. Added Chinese characters are considered to be written by Japanese Dutch translator of Nagasaki.

Never ending dream to go beyond the ocean and cultivate the new land can be seen in this painting.

Western costume treasured in Hirado Lord family. The design was in vogue in Europe from the late 16th century to the early 17th century. Examining stitch by stitch, there’s intricate craftsmanship.

Surgical compendium of Dutch translation in 1627. Illustration is adopted. And the supreme Japanese translation was completed by Sugita Genpaku in 1774, influenced by it and other Western surgical textbooks.

Document written in 1661 by Japanese Dutch scholar. It is recorded the flow of the world history and a story of a man, depicting from one aspect. Turning to be a historical material and passed on to the next generations.

I desire Japanography to be sublimated to a historical document, and preserved in a museum. Drawing a big picture and making painstaking efforts day after day.
Left Dutch Trading Post and drove to Hirado Xavier Memorial Church founded in 1913, the cathedral was completed in 1931. It’s relatively new, yet Catholicism Xavier preached has been protected and preserved.

Based on the Christianity Xavier taught in the deserted area of extreme poverty, Nagasaki and Amakusa nurtured peculiar lifestyle called Hidden Christian culture, trusting God that all the hardship will be paid off when going to heaven. There weren’t missionaries, and the belief has been conserved uniquely, yielded distinctive culture mingling with common Japanese lifestyle. Now it’s UNESCO world heritage site ‘Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region’.

Lowering head for something big is fundamental emotion of humanity. And despising it is blasphemy for both God and mankind. However, there has been working of religious groups taking advantage of believers’ most faithful devotion by teaching the existence of God in order to build up absolute wealth and power. The Old Testament and The New Testament are teaching injustices and corruptions of clergymen have been repeating ever since. The malady will never cease.

Leaving Xavier Church, and we headed for Hirado Castle. Japanese castle is built on a high hill so that it can overlook the territory. It was started constructing in 1704 and completed building in 1718, however it was demolished under the oder of the Meiji government in 1873. The present castle tower was reconstructed in 1962.

The view looking down Hirado port is stunning, worth a journey. It’s free to get there, no need to go up the castle tower. Hirado Castle is one of the top 100 castles of Japan.

For dinner, we enjoyed seafood from Hirado port. Sushi and Tempura for 1,870 yen. The raw fish was sliced big and so fresh. Tempura shiitake mushroom was meaty and 2 prawns were big. Miso soup broth was savory. So satisfying! Sushi is loved all over the world, and the step of vinegar rice with raw fish dipping into soy sauce is the secret of the popularity. So proud!

Local foot bath is available for anybody. Foot bath in a hot spring resort is free of charge mostly. Soaking in the warm water is relaxing and comforting.
Due to COVID, traveling abroad became difficult, and weak yen made it more difficult. But instead, I visited various places in Japan. Learned history, culture, sentiment, relations with foreign countries, then broadened my horizon. When country inclines to closing, inner truth is that culture ripens, bears fruits, blooms plentiful flowers, and emitting mesmerizing & enticing aromas. And Japanography got depth and width. So it’s rejoicing for the better.
Love and Peace.
るるぶ特別編集 平戸市 発行 平戸市 協力 若手宿泊活性化チーム/ 企画・編集・制作 (株)JTBパブリッシング ©︎2023平戸市/JTB Publishing Inc.
『京のキリシタン史跡を巡る− 風は都から』杉野榮、三学出版、2007年
『シリーズ「遺跡を学ぶ」090 銀鉱山王国・石見銀山』遠藤浩巳、新泉社、2013年