Happy New Year! I hope you enjoy reading this blog in year 2025 as well. A decade ago, we spent end of the year and new year’s day in New York, those pictures streamed in FB. Reflecting upon the last 10 years, so many has changed. When beloved father passed away and crossing over the sorrows, I also had to go through a path of excruciating pains as if earthshaking. But on the flip side, it was enclosed with utmost fortune. I encountered with an eminent person and new horizon was unfolded. I was able to meet and get support from myriads of people and saw unknown stunningly beautiful landscapes. And I was able to reach this far.
Now I know that New York was not at all ‘Top of the world’. This world is way more vast and profound and mystical, each culture has been carving each precious history. I recognize this so since I challenged numerous things that I could think of and layered success and unachieved success one by one. This currency of wisdom was hard to get.
そして、ニューヨークはTop of the world では全くなかった。世界はもっとずっと深大で神秘的で、果てしない歴史をそれぞれの文化が刻んで来ているということを知っているのは、挑戦者としてありとあらゆることに挑んで、成功と価値ある未成功を積み重ねて来たことによって体得出来た、得難い貨幣だったと思います。
Ancient one said, if you sow good seeds, you harvest good fruits. If you sow bad seeds, you harvest bad fruits. Taking long time, what you did surely get back to you. This is the golden rule that never changes even if AI progress accelerates.
And here is my new year’s resolution. I want to master coping with things in a relaxed manner. Take it easy. Learn the skill with physicality and brain. Since I want to live a long life without sacrificing myself, and leave a good deed that benefits people in the future. Laugh a lot and cherish and embrace something beautiful, kawaii, delicious, and interesting. The mission is to survive and live along. So please never sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. Please relax and find laughter in every possible matter, and savor this moment and live a long life.
Here I want to share New Year’s celebration. Mother was sick in bed, so we held a party at our place. Made Frito of prawns for 41 pieces! Niece was so excited and monopolized them and it was so kawaii! She shared her school life and it was hilarious. I made a promise with her that I’ll be sure to make Frito of prawns so many next year too.

Rice cake with soy powder and sugar for new year.

Here are photos of Christmas.

Dear friend from Iceland brought me a Christmas present in May. I waited and waited and waited and opened it in the morning of Christmas eve. It was hand crafted Christmas collectibles plated with 18 Karat gold made in Denmark. I was deeply deeply moved and couldn’t do anything during the daytime, staring at it forgetting time goes by. GEORG JENSEN is appointed with Denmark Royal Family, and it says there is something magical about a Christmas night shooting star. My dear friend is so chic and classy.
大切なアイスランドの友が5月に持って来てくれていたプレゼントを、待って待ってクリスマスイブの朝に開封。手作業で型取られ18金で塗布された、デンマーク製の流れ星のクリスマス飾りにジーンと感動して、昼間中何も手につかず、じっとじっと見つめていました。GEORG JENSEN はデンマーク王室御用達だそうで、クリスマスの夜の流れ星には奇跡が叶う不思議があるとの添書きを読んで、ますますジーン。粋な友は誇りです。
I baked apple cake of powdered rice with cream cheese and sugarcane sugar. It was sweet and tender, somehow indistinct and brought me back nostalgia.

And some recent cooking.

I hope you welcome heathy, happy, and prosperous year 2025!