I’d like to introduce and analyze into Japanese food culture on this post. The other day, my husband and I went to a local chang pong diner. We’ve been visiting the diner since we were still dating. Each cooking of the master is so nice and tasty, makes us feel nostalgic in a sense. The master is so honest and diligent, we’ve been his fan for a long time. These are miso chang pong, regular chang pong, rice balls, fried meat dumplings, and fried chicken tar tar. It was a lot, but it cost only for 2,460 yen for two of us. It’s only about 20 US dollars.
The atmosphere of the diner reminds me of good old days. Bring me back childhood memories.

It’s in the midst of COVID 19 pandemic, there was plastic sheet for protection. Probably it’s the same as all over the world, and you see this type of plastic sheet at banks, shops, supermarkets, hospitals, and city halls, almost all public places in Japan.

Chang pong is originally from China, same as ramen, and it developed specially in Japan. The very word “chang pong” means mixing up various things in Japanese. And Okinawa dialect “champuru” means the same. Interestingly, in Korean “champong-hada” means the same. In Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia, they have “campur campur” meaning the same. When I was a freshman of university, I home-stayed in a fisherman’s village in Malaysia. I heard many people talking “campur campur” implying for mixing up a lot of things.
チャンポンはラーメンと同じく中国由来の食べ物で、日本で独自の発展を遂げたものです。「ちゃんぽん」という言葉は色んなものを混ぜ合わせるという日本語になっていますが、沖縄語でも「チャンプル」というと混ぜ合わせるという意味になります。面白いことに、韓国語でも「チャンポンハダ」という同じ意味の言葉があり、インドネシア語とマレーシア語でも”campur campur” (チャンプルチャンプル)で同様のことを意味します。大学一年生の頃にホームステイしたマレーシアの漁村では、色んなことがごちゃ混ぜになっている様を、”campur campur” と話していたことを思い出します。
Something in common in this food culture is that it is among Chinese cultural area. In the process of Chinese immigrating into neighboring countries, they bring in the food culture and it developed locally and uniquely in the area. Nagasaki chang pong represents the original chang pong of Japan. Nagasaki is a port city, historically it has been opened to the world including during “the sakoku era” that Edo government of Japan closed the country except Nagasaki during 1639~1858.
And this is Ramen.

Ramen is also a cuisine that is peculiar in Chinese cultural area. Here I want to explain the difference between chang pong and ramen in Japan. chang pong is something mixed up and fried together with various ingredients and noodle. Ramen toppings are cooked separately. Chang pong noodle is thicker than ramen noodle.
I like Taiwan developed ramen, “beef bone noodle” and Korean instant spicy ramyon too. They have their own interpretation and each of them are so tasty. Japan is a country that has long genuinely characteristic traditions and customs, and at the same time historically it is influenced from China immensely. There is one certain thing and it develops and thrives distinctively affecting from multiple factors and own given nativity and circumstances. I guess same thing can be said to human, country, and culture. It is so very interesting.
Love and Peace to the world, especially in this day and age!