Hello. I’d like to introduce an online program produced by WASABI Talk™️. It is an educational program teaching the charm of Japan in English and Japanese, collaborated with ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog and Wasabi Tours. First and foremost, it is made for educational purpose and free of charge for students and foreigners who are learning Japanese. And the fund is supported by donation from regular viewers. If you are interested, please join us! And donation is highly welcome!

こんにちは。WASABI Talk™️で制作している動画番組のご紹介をしたいと思います。WASABI Talk™️は日本語と英語で日本の魅力について話す教育番組で、©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan BlogWasabi Tours のコラボ企画です。広く教育を旗印に掲げているので、日本人の学生さんと日本語を勉強されている外国人の方は無料になります。一般の方の投げ銭(寄付)を元手に制作していますので、これは面白そうだ!と思われた方は是非ご視聴ください。投げ銭大歓迎です!

We have many viewers from Manila, the Philippines who are studying Japanese. It’s our great joy that those who hope to work in Japan as caregivers for elderly people are learning with us. Unexpectedly, it seems things are spreading in a very unique way…..


We broadcast the program once in 2 weeks on Monday lunch time. Go check the info below.



The theme of April the 5th of Monday was BENTO. And here I want to share the lecture with you. Nowadays, bento is one of Japanese pop culture icons. And especially character bento is paid attention in both Japan and abroad. One time a person googled “character bento” from Canada and it hit this blog.


The train bentos are beaming! And they make you smile. These bentos are made by my acquaintance who is a sax player, Yasutake Motoaki. His son is making a request to daddy seeing a train reference book. The craftsmanship of Yasutake san is fantastic since he’s got clever fingers as of being a sax player!


And this Ampan Man Bento is made by a designer friend of mine, Furuaswa Kanoko who designed the logo of ©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan Blog. The cover picture bento is also made by Kanoko.

そしてこちらは、私の友人でもあり、この©︎ Aya’s Cool Japan BLog のロゴをデザインしてくれている、デザイナーの古澤かのこさんが作ったアンパンマン弁当です。表題のカバー写真の弁当も彼女の作品となります。

Both a musician and a designer who are blessed with artistic talent did very good job. These character bentos that are “instagramable” are Japanese pop culture.


Character bento in general are made by a parent of a small kid with much affection, taking good amount of time. To tell the truth, I also have a lovely and heart-warming memory regarding character bento. Decades ago, there was no such word as character bento, though…..


These are face onigiri rice balls my mother used to make for me. I was overjoyed in kindergarten when opened a bento box, mother’s charming rice balls were smiling at me! Compared with the high tech, state of the art character bento, mother’s rice balls seem like nothing special at all. However, the joyful surprise bento was truly one of a kind and memorable indeed….


Speaking of childhood, I read this “Totto-chan” of English translation version in high school. This is first ever English book I read all by myself.


I was a high school student and not so small anymore, but an episode of bento from the book was filled with such happiness, I remember. Totto-chan had to change school when in elementary school. And her new school was such a lovely one. She was fond of the principal so much. There were no such school rules but there was only one exception. It was to bring a bento that has something from the ocean and something from the hills. All students were proud to show the bento to the principal at lunch time!


I thought about the reason why bento is paid much attention in the world. One of the reasons is that Japanese cook colorful and healthy bento.


This is bento that I cooked.


It’s just an ordinary, typical bento. But you can find Japanese culinary culture here. WASHOKU, Japanese traditional cuisines are UNESCO world heritage. And we use seasonal ingredients for well balanced dishes. And it is recommended to use ingredients that are “MaGoWaYaSaShiI”.


Japanese are so health conscious. And we love talking about health related topics. We often exchange good health tips, and it is often featured healthy information on TV as well. There’s even a silly joke saying, “I could die to become healthy!” Ha.


According to WHO report, Japan marked the highest longevity in the world in 2020.


And this is something extra. It’s a station bento of Taiwan. Taiwan railway system was imported from Japan and the station bento culture that is peculiar to each local station is thriving in Taiwan as well.


The reason why Japanese culture is so mesmerizing is this. Just picking up bento, the background culture of it is so wide, deep, and dense. I believe that the long history of Japan and the geeky and meticulous sprit is so intriguing.


And here’s the Key Takeaways.


WASABI Talk™️ picks up a certain topic each time and I dig up Japanese culture deeper and deeper. For the next theme, we pick up Tusda Umeko who was the front runner for women education in Japan. Everyone, please join us! You’ll have intellectual, interesting, and comfy time with us !

WASABI Talk™️では、毎回こんな感じで様々な日本文化を取り上げて講義しています。次回の放送は津田梅子、となります。これまた深掘りして知的刺激満載な内容となりそうですので、良かったら、皆さまどうぞふるってご参加くださいませ。博識かつ興味深く、居心地のよい時間をお届けいたします。

Blessings to you all! Love and Peace!


Metropolis is organic; Tenjin Fukuoka


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