"The winner of Nobel Prize for Literature 2017 is…
Hello. Do you know the fact that Japanese fruits …
Aftermath of Corona pandemic is very serious and …
Hello. When you are visiting Tokyo, and if you wa…
(日本語タイトル:生命賛歌、チューリップ/ English title : Hymn of Li…
Hello everyone. How are you doing? While Japan wa…
Hi there! How are you doing? Today, I want to sho…
Hi there. Today I want to write about Harajyuku, …
Hi there. How are you doing? Strolling around Tok…
Hi there! Today I want to write about the only UN…
Hi there. How are you doing? On a rainy day in Ju…
Hi there! How are you doing? Today, I want to wri…
Hi there! How are you doing? Global warming is be…
Hi there! I keep walking around Tokyo. My friend …
Hi there! How are you doing? I want to write abou…
Hi there! Today I want to introduce traditional J…
Hello. How are you doing? Today I want to write a…
Hi there! How are you doing? Hope you are doing g…
Hi there! I keep walking and walking in Tokyo. It…
Hi there! Writing the final post of Ginza. Did yo…