Japanese, names in Chinese character in Japanese, Wabi Sabi、learning Japanese, English Japanese bilingual, 漢字で英語の名前を書く、ペン習字、書道、日本文化、バイリンガル
博多クリスマスマーケット、福岡アジア美術館、アジアの芸術、Hakata Christmas Market, Asian Art, Fukuoka Asia Museum、ジャパノグラフィー、バイリンガル、シンガポール、マレー語、マレーシア語
遠方より友来る、大学時代、ジャパノグラフィー、伊藤伝右衛門邸、Japanography, Iceland and Japan, 日本とアイスランド、理想主義、アイスランドの友
ikebana, Ikebana International, 生け花、いけばなインターナショナル、plum, 梅、墨絵、Sumie, 嵯峨御流生け花、嵯峨御所大覚寺、love and peace
otaku, geek, geeky, オタク、オタッキー、otaku spirit, geeky spirit, The Structure of IKI, いきの構造、九鬼周造、Japanese aesthetic, learn Japanese
world changing books, The Pillow Book,枕草子、change history, learn Japanese, 日本語、intellectual lifestyle, 知的生活、avid reader,本の虫
translation, translator, 翻訳、赤毛のアン、村岡花子、Anne of Green Gables, にほんご、
WABI SABI, Japanology, Japanophile, にほんご, IKIGAI, KAIZEN, ZEN, BUSHIDO,
tanka, 若山牧水, Japanese poet, tanka poem, lonesome, Japanese education, にほんご
I assume many of the readers of this blog are ver…
In recent times, Japanese literature especially w…
Flip side theme of this blog is "to promote beaut…
I'd like to introduce and analyze into Japanese f…
I want to write about ikigai. "What is your ikiga…
I was talking with a friend of mine who is blesse…
Hello every one. It is widely said that Murakami …
Hello. Today, I want to write about former presid…
Hello, everyone. I had a lecture at University of…
Hello. I often use Korean Airline when traveling …