Writing while listening to “BEETHOVEN AROUND THE WORLD” of Ebene Quartet.
エベーヌ弦楽四重奏団の”BEETHOVEN AROUND THE WORLD”を聴きながら書いています。
- https://www.quatuorebene.com
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ébène_Quartet
- https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/エベーヌ四重奏団
Currently, I’m contemplating about things that music convey to our hearts. Beautiful image, encouragement that stands by you in times of sorrows and sadness, longing that something never comes true, lovable charm, or heavenly sublime. We can’t imagine a life without music, and music has been with mankind since the primitive age. I once read the origin of music is the heartbeat of mother for an unborn baby or the sound of the tides. We seek for music that is intangible, but surely exists as something good and genuine.
I have a habit of listening to music while cooking, and sometimes I listen to favorite jazz when wake up in the morning. I also like listening to Bossa Nova and reggae at summer sunset time. And from time to time, watch YouTube video clip of 80’s J-POP such as Nakamori Akina or Nakayama Miho. Utada Hikaru’s songs are perfect when I feel introverted, now she lives in London. The music of Beatles are inseparable with my youthful memories in Tokyo.
When I was watching NHK world it was aired this program, the war occurred when an Ukrainian musician was visiting Japan, he faced with overwhelming stress and sorrows, but desperately decided to continue music activities staying in Japan. And he said “Music is the opposite of wars.” It is so true.
NHK world を観ていて、ウクライナの音楽家が日本に来日中に戦争が勃発し、そのまま帰国はせずにこちらで苦しみながらも踏みとどまって、心の内でもがきのたうちまわりながらも、音楽活動を続けている様を番組にしているものがありました。「戦争の反対語が音楽である」と。
The opposite of wars is the beautiful dream of music. But to express the beautiful dream, it requires ages of sincere and painstaking practices and the practices are never ending. However, the days of practices will vanish in front of wars. And more than anything, the candid and truthful spirit that strives to improve with perseverance is antithetical to wars of vandalism and massacre.
Now I’m studying in Kyoto in order to make this blog project widely known to the world, my big dream is that people all over the world who want to learn Japanese culture, Japanese language, and English come to learn more about “what Japan is” through this blog. Hope people would read this blog as a textbook or reference of Japan. The mountain peak is so high and far to reach since I’m the frontier, and there is no guideline nor example nor correct answer that one can reach within minimum efforts. What I have is this passion in my heart and resolution to contribute to education and peace.
At a time like that, I’m encouraged deeply and dearly that Ebene Quartet who are around the same age as me are leading the world in the field of classical music. The encouragement is priceless. They travelled around the world to perform Beethoven pieces with the support of UNESCO and the days of world tour became a movie. I was touched when they visited a school in African and played music with the local kids. They were prized the most prestigious award for classical music in France in 2021.
It is wondrous that I came to know Ebene Quartet. There is a lovely and very talented Japanese pianist named Akiko Yamamoto, she is from the same elementary school with my husband. She was playing the piano for school meetings every time the students sing the school song. My husband knew her talent since then and he let me know of her and I turned to be her big fan as well. We went to her concerts many times. And the husband of Akiko is the first violin of Ebene Quartet, Mr. Pierre Colombet.
エベーヌ弦楽四重奏団とのご縁は不思議なものです。夫が小学生の頃からそのピアノの音色のファンだった、学校集会の度に校歌のピアノ伴奏をしていて、のちにパリで活躍する様になったピアニストの山本亜希子さんという、とても素敵な才能に溢れた女性がいます。私もいつしか亜希子さんの大ファンになっていて、コンサートには何度も足を運びました。そしてその亜希子さんのご主人が、エベーヌ弦楽四重奏団 の第一ヴァイオリンのピエール・コロンべ氏なのです。
Once we had dinner together at Izakaya bistro. Pierre was very interested in Japanese language since we have 3 different types of alphabets, Hiragana, Katakana, Kanji Chinese characters and we even have Japanese English. He said “What’s going on with Japanese mind???” and I tried to explain as much as I could since I’m a linguist. It was such a jolly night for all of us.
And when I was staying in Kyoto, Ebene had a concert in Shiga nearby the ancient capital. I was honored to have an invitation ticket and I dashed and literally ran hard changing a tram to a subway to a tram to the venue after the studies. I was behind the time so much and anxious if I missed the whole concert. But miraculously, I was able to listen to the last piece in front of the concert hall door.
Wondered if the melody of prodigious violin of Stradivarius and other instruments entangled and harmonized so amazingly. The sounds were so tender and warm, and a little bit coquettish. The color of the music was so rich, bountiful, and ample, wrapped up the hall graciously. It reminded me of water side of spring forest. Then, there was a big and long clapping. At that timing, I was able to go in before the anchor.
Anchor was Schumann. Pierre made a greeting in Japanese, and he must have learned it from Akiko, that made me smile. He looked cute. The small piece of Schumann was like another dream, dreaming by the water side enchantingly. After the concert, I was able to go in to the back stage. Introduced myself to the members, while Pierre and I were glad to see again.
I told them I’m a big fan of “City Bird” of Ebene Quartet original, Jazz and classical fusion CD of “Eternal Stories”. Then one guy hummed the intro “Tit tit tit ♪” and that he was absolutely playing with music. The sparkling moment was so enticing and the richness filled my heart. I must go to France to listen to Ebene Quartet concert. Yes, I came to have another dream.
エベーヌ弦楽四重奏団のオリジナルCD、ジャズとクラシックの混じり合った不思議な世界観を表現している、”Eternal Stories” の初めに収録されている City Bird が大好きだと伝えると、一人が「ティッ、ティッ、ティッ♪」とハミングをして、嗚呼これが音楽で遊ぶということなのか、とその瞬間の煌めきの贅沢さに心が喜びで震えました。いつかフランスでエベーヌのコンサートに行きたい。また新たな夢が生まれました。
Please listen to Piano Quintet of Ebene Quartet and Akiko Yamamoto.

All we can do is to pray for peace and make a contribution for peace. I believe each and every one of us can do something meaningful.
Love and Peace…